Breathing Rock

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Breathing Rock
Coordinates: [-392 126 394]

[Old Hermit] Well hello. Can't say I was expecting another soul up here. Nor were you, I imagine.

[Old Hermit] I like that.

He leans forward and looks intently at you.


[Old Hermit] Hail, adventurer. As the fire warms our bodies, good company warms our spirits. Care to camp out with an old explorer?

[Thank you but I can't right now]

[With pleasure.]

The wizened hermit introduces himself as the Breathing Rock - a veteran adventurer and long-time acquaintance of Marcus and Lady Edmond.

You regale each other with tales of your exploits; sharing anecdotes, comparing maps, and swapping jokes into the wee hours of the night

[Breathing Rock] and then, on my honor, I saw it peeking juuuuust over the uncanny ridgeline. Blue tunic and trousers, a normal-looking chap in every way, except for these awful, soulless white eyes.

[A zombie?]

[Breathing Rock] Bah, an undead has the dignity to be properly alive at one point. This was something truly beyond the Veil. There's a certain obscenity to the things you find in the Farlands...

[Breathing Rock] How about you?

[I've been to the Farlands before as well.]

[No, I've never been to the Farlands.]

[Breathing Rock] No, I mean what are some of the least-travelled roads you've been down?

[Breathing Rock] Where have you walked that few living others have?


(Which of your adventures will you share?)

[Visiting Ta'Eldim and Ta'Ksaav]

  • [Breathing Rock] It speaks well of you that the Tlaxans trust you that much. I hope you did some fishing in Ta'Ksaav's lake. Easiest catches I've ever made, almost like a dream.
  • {...}

[Entering the Dream of Kaul]

  • [Breathing Rock] The natives would speak of the Loci as a "slumbering soul" but I'd never thought it was so literal.
  • [Breathing Rock] To see Sierhaven aflame� I'm glad it was only a dream.
  • {...}

[Navigating the Ephemeral Corridors]

  • [Breathing Rock] Memory - now that's a bold new frontier. Or is an old one? Sure makes you wonder what your own memory's maze would look like.
  • {...}

[Walking amongst the Black Willows]

  • [Breathing Rock] You pierced the Veil and got back intact? Incredible. I hope nothing unwanted came back with you...
  • [Breathing Rock] You haven't seen any strange men lurking in your peripheral vision, have you?
  • {...}

[Traversing ancient Isharist]

  • [Breathing Rock] Hm. All my experiences with time travel have been forward. Going back's a novelty.
  • [Breathing Rock] Consider this - for every incredible sight we've seen, there's countless variations just out of reach.
  • [Breathing Rock] It would make me salivate if it wasn't so frustrating.
  • {...}

[Exploring the abandoned Celsian Forum]

  • [Breathing Rock] There's a strange melancholy to places that should obviously be populated, yet are empty.
  • [Breathing Rock] It's almost nostalgia, but without the comfort.
  • {...}

[Wading through the City of Shifting Waters]

  • [Breathing Rock] A swim is a pleasant change of pace after a long hike, but when the world shifts around you, it's smart to take whatever solid ground you can get.
  • [Breathing Rock] When direction itself became arbitrary, you kept your bearings and your head. Very impressive!
  • {...}

[Being escorted to the Ring by the magibotanists]

  • [Breathing Rock]...
  • [Breathing Rock]...
  • [Breathing Rock] o-oh.

He's clearly very disappointed that you consider taking a magical ferry service to be an adventure, but is too polite to say it out loud.

  • {...}

[Beholding the Silver Knight's Tomb]

  • [Breathing Rock] Whether as an echo or a scream, the Knights' legacy resonates throughout the world. Participating in their history is a worthy feat.
  • {...}

[Tell him about sealing the wool spirits and the enormous golden eye]

  • For the first time you see the whites of his eyes, widened in shock.
  • He forces his gaze away from you and stares deeply into the fire in silence.
  • He clearly has much to say about this, but has decided against it.
  • {...}

[Conclude your stories.]

[Breathing Rock] I see.

The flames' reflection in his eyes distorts as tears well up in them.

[Breathing Rock] Player, you've strode through dream, memory, and time, and passed through Sea, Veil, Void, and Wool to share my fire tonight.

[Breathing Rock] Thank you.

[For what?]

[Breathing Rock] Everything. The company, the stories, the reassurance that the spirit of discovery has not been lost.

[You're welcome, Rock.]

[Breathing Rock] Please, call me David. My friends do.

[Breathing Rock] I'd like to give you my blessing. Let's have a look at that wondrous compass of yours. Let me know when you're ready to turn in for the night.

[Breathing Rock] This night has been a greater blessing to me than you know. Are you ready to head to bed?

[I'll be up a bit longer]

[I am. Good night, David.]