Crazy, Cupid, Love

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Crazy, Cupid, Love is a hidden quest in the King's Valley. It consists a sequence of several cryptic messages, each leading to the next one. It begins at Psychie in Sierhaven, in the park near the Arcane Emporium. Since the quest is hidden, it is not shown in the quest compass.

(If you don't want to try and solve everything yourself, you can skip to [Expand seventh puzzle] below, which is the only step you actually need.)

Coordinates: [-751, 106, -26]

[Psychie] Woe is me! Cupid's magic has faded from this little Valley, yet he has not appeared! Perhaps he is truly lost... I will remain here for some time to see if perhaps he heeds my call. If you still have some of his magical flowers, I can still trade with you. I hope my Cupid returns to me, I miss him so...
[Psychie] Say, do you know anything about these strange signs that have appeared above my bower's windows? I can't work them out...

Decode the signs above the windows.
Solution: They form a Morse code which reads "25 MINUTES OF SPEED".

Travel to the Speed Shrine, which is located in a cave above a waterfall in the Southeastern Swamplands.

Coordinates: [-156, 138, 198]

[Saryss] I am the the shadow o'er the sea
[Saryss] Legions pass me
[Saryss] Left behind me
[Saryss] I am the waves
[Saryss] Nighttime whispers over water
[Saryss] I am sorrow, sung
[Saryss] Under restless moonlight
[Saryss] Seek me out at the gate
[Saryss] Oh, hello. I am the keeper of this shrine. Why are you looking at me funny?

Solve the riddle.
Solution: The text contains several references to the Seagate in Lowtide. The initial letter of every sentence forms the name ILLINIUS.

Coordinates: [565, 118, 548]

[Illinius] It's been so quiet at the gate for so long. Travel has really slowed down!
[Illinius] The next location is on this map... somewhere... hmm.

In front of Illinius is an item frame containing a map. Find out where it leads to.
Solution: The map shows an area containing the Molten Chasm and the Anthill. Search for an NPC there.

Coordinates: [798, 78, 128]

[Ventus] He is returning... His flight is heralded by the heavens. You must find the first. Where they began.
[Excuse me?]
[Ventus] The key is Eros.

Ventus hands you a book.

The Shift
by Ventus


Decipher the contents.
Solution: The book name hints at an encryption which shifts letters around. Ventus hints that the encryption requires a key. Together, this hints at the Vigenère Cipher.
Decrypting the book with this cipher and the key "Eros" results in the text "Baneofthebakers Mageslegacy Acrewtoremember Apirateslife Runawaypet Crownoftopaz Whatlieswithin Lostinmymind".
These are all Monumenta Quests. Ventus hints at "Where they began", which indicates the quest givers. These are: Stefan, Vargos, Indigo, Levyn, Leonard, Aimee, Gehri, and Eowen".
The first letters of their names read "SVILLAGE", which hints to the Southern Village POI.

Travel to the Southern Village POI. Search for clues.

Solution: There are two signs at [-630, 92, 421], stating "Find the Librarian" and "Siobhan. Sierhaven. I return."

Coordinates: [-780, 110, 1]

[Librarian Siobhan] oYGn0nlFZjl 04:2
[Librarian Siobhan] oYGn0nlFZjl 04:2

Solve the riddle.
Solution: The 04:2 and the "I return." from the previous puzzle hint at the text being in reverse. When reverted, the text forms a partial youtube URL: This video, The History of Monumenta, shows the Graveyard POI at 2:40.

Travel to the Graveyard POI. Search for clues.

Solution: There is a secret button at [1094, 125, -169]. It teleports to a jumping puzzle in the clouds.

Cupid waits at the end of the jumping puzzle.

Coordinates: [971, 227, -930]

[Cupid] Oh my god, a living, breathing, human.
[Are you Cupid? Did you leave all the clues?]
[Cupid] Of course! I've been trying to find the King's Valley to reunite with my beloved Psychie, but I appear to have gotten lost in the clouds...
[I know Psychie!]
[Cupid] You do?! Oh goodness, tell her I'm up on Cloud Nine please! She'll have to find her way to me and then we can finally be reunited! Thank you so much!

Travel back to Psychie by jumping off the clouds.

Coordinates: [-710, 114, 23]

[Psychie] Woe is me! Cupid's magic has faded from this little Valley, yet he has not appeared! Perhaps he is truly lost... I will remain here for some time to see if perhaps he heeds my call. If you still have some of his magical flowers, I can still trade with you. I hope my Cupid returns to me, I miss him so...
[Psychie, I found Cupid!]
[Psychie] You did? Where, therefore art he, my Cupid?
[He's lost on what he calls Cloud Nine.]
[Psychie] Cloud Nine? Alas! I cannot reach his clouds... I must await his return ever still. Even so, I offer you a reward for letting me know he still lives.

Upon finishing the quest, Psychie gives you the Boots of Cloud Nine and unlocks a trade for them. (There is also a trade for Cupid's Bow; however, this is now unobtainable, as the items required were only available during the 2018 Valentine's Day event.)