Crimson Corruption

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Samples have been brought back recently from across the isles of a reddish corruption. It infects most plants and animals, but is harmless to humans. It spreads with long red vines, and often "infects" objects close to it, tinting them red and spreading its tendrils through them.
The vines are hot to the touch, and the longer they're left to grow, the warmer they get. We've been trimming them daily. Of further note is their response when exposed to books. A scholar of the archive sat a tome next to the containment vessel of our sample, and the corruption began agressively growing towards it. In a couple of minutes, a vine had broken through its small glass enclosure, and the book was soon filled with the familiar veiny red plant matter. We've tried exposing it to other tomes and the reaction is similar. It seems to have a thirst for knowledge that rivals even some scholars!
I wonder what would happen if it were exposed to the source of knowledge... Not that I'd ever get funding for brains.