Dive Into Dissonance, Vol. 2

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That faint whisper did not take very long to grow louder, however. It soon felt as if someone was always standing behind me, always out of reach of my view.

It taunted me with horrible thoughts. Horrible, abhorrent thoughts that made me question my sanity. I needed to uncover its source, lest my mind crumble under the immeasurable strain.

I always noticed when it was loudest - it was always when I was near Harmony. It made me question, was this my gift?

I knew the consequences of touching Harmony before the Father deemed it your time, but I had little other option. I had to resolve this quickly.

I reached out, my hand drawing so near to it that I could feel its very radiance warming my skin.

But.. before I could make contact, I began to... fall, I suppose is the closest approximation of that feeling.

I looked around at the room I stood in. It was... similar to where I had been previously, but it was also very different. A horrid mass of living tissue covered the room, and a foul odor filled my lungs.

I don't know what twisted reality I fell into, but this certainly was not the Arboretum I once knew.