Dragonbone Experiments

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Dragonbone Experiments is an experiment log that can be found in The Fallen Forum dungeon during and after The Olive Branch. The book can be found on a lectern on the bookshelves overlooking the northern Archives of the Forum.


Editor's Note: This experiment log has been transcribed from a spoken narration. Any errors or inconsistencies should be taken up with Dr. Marin and his transcriber in person.

"Hello, today we will be investigating claims of latent magical energy contained within the bone structure of what we've been referring to as "Dragons", based on ancient texts by noted scholars such as Octurion and Phelmetics. I have before me a single small bone piece, chipped off a much larger skeleton found out in the wilds of the Ishnir desert. I will begin to press other magical signatures into it so that I might gauge the reaction.

We will begin with a simple lifting charm, using air magic. I will cast it carefully and...


Seymore! Hey! Can you...! Yes, thank you.

Sorry, that was unexpected. Um. Yes. What happened?

Um yes, the bone uh... Let's back up, sorry. The bone should have lifted about an inch or two up from the desk. Instead, it shot upward, through the ceiling above me, and right into my esteemed coworker's office space.


Sorry. Yes, okay, this is quite an interesting effect. Magical amplification. This could be quite valuable, yes.

Next, I suppose we'll try some magical displacement. Shift it along my desk a few inches, through space. Here we go then...

A h i n teresting. Th i s l o oks f a r b e t t e r ...

J u s t a s m a l l displacement. Nothing at all out of the o r d i n a r y .