Elegy of My Dearest Friend

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As I sit here, I find myself at a loss. Why did this happen? Why did it have to happen now? Why was I not there fast enough?

The number of questions I could ask myself, that I could ask the gods, is astronomical. Yet, I can't see myself getting any of the answers I seek. No amount of questioning, no amount of emotional lashing, will allow me to wake up and see her again.

My best form of outlet, I find, is recalling the time we had together, the time she became my associate, the time she became my dearest friend.

A Chance Meeting:

Nelfine was born in the Chillwind Tundra, with a thirst for adventure that set in at an early age. She was the youngest member to be accepted, and after many years of experience in the Celsian Isles, she was transferred to Highwatch.

Ironically, I was also chosen to be placed in Highwatch at this time. I had a few more years on her, but the thought never once occurred to me that she was an inferior in any way. Nelfine was quick to learn the ropes of the King's Valley, and soon our unexpected assignment together blossomed into a long lasting partnership.

Time Changes All:

Over the years, our work became more and more strenuous. While there was never a dull moment, the constant influx of demands certainly took its toll on us.

Often, she would come to me in times of great emotional distress, often due to over exhaustion, and pour her heart out. In times like these, I found that she took great comfort in the memories of her homeland. As someone who had never strayed far from the King's Valley for long periods of time, I was left to wonder how much the distance was getting to her.

Unfortunately, I got the answer to that question far sooner than I anticipated. She came to me one morning, with tearful eyes, asking to be transferred back to the Tundra. I could tell how much it hurt her to ask me for such a favor, knowing that it would mean we would no longer be able to see each other.

I did not hesitate, though, and approved her request without question. I knew being here would only make it worse for her. However, these many years later, I must wonder, what would have happened had I denied her request? Would she still be here today? Would she hate me for not allowing her to return home? These are questions I am cursed to forever ponder.

Seeing You Once More:

Three long years after her departure from Highwatch, I received a parcel one morning, informing me of a meeting set in Farr. The topics of said meeting were left rather vague, but the letter stated who I would be meeting with:
"Head of Intercontinental Intelligence, Nelfine".

The excitement I felt was like no other. I hardly cared about what the meeting was about anymore, as I would be able to see my friend once more, in my hometown of all places. When the specified date came, I was more nervous than I likely should have been, but so many questions were in my head. How had you changed? How had I changed? Did your time back home bring that smile back to your face? Could I, perhaps, return with you?
Fate, however, chose that these would be more questions that I would be cursed to never receive an answer to. When I arrived in Farr, the smoke had hardly even cleared. An explosion, they told me, caused after a surprise attack on the city. What horrid magic had been used to cause such destruction?

The death toll was unclear, bodies were found every few hours. Yours however, never was. I searched for you, day and night, for weeks on end. Even as the rubble was removed, as the city was cleared up, I continued to look for you. I knew you had to be out there somewhere, but you eluded me.

After spending months in Farr, I returned returned to Highwatch. I continued at my position, and yet, even after three years, it remains an empty post without my partner.

A Horrid Reminder:

It was been many years since I opened up this journal, yet the words still run through my mind as if they are freshly written.

I received a letter today, marked with her name. It spoke nonsense of being trapped in a cell for a few weeks and lost memories. How could someone be so despicable as to prank a man of my age with something like this? It is a cruel reminder of the event which was tormented my existence.
I believe it is my time. I can no longer stay in Highwatch, so I shall announce my immediate retirement tomorrow. I shall return to Farr for the first time in 30 years, and there I shall die. I shall end my saga where it began, and where her story ended.
Then, Nelfine, will we see each other once more? What a fitting end for a tortured soul, for I am cursed with questions that shall never be answered.