Eternal Night

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This past week I took a trip across the Western Ocean to visit the King's Valley. While the location was pleasant enough, what I saw, as an astrologist, shook me. Unlike the rest of our known world, the King's Valley does not undergo a day and night cycle. Well, not visibly anyway.
I had some trouble gathering the entire tale due to my short stay and the proliferation of legends, myths, and rumors over the years, but the best I could gather was that following the end of the Valley's last major war the sun and moon stopped moving and the sky hung in eternal twilight. What makes this so especially confounding is the simple fact that it is a clearly magical - and regional - effect. While travelling out of the Valley, there was a point where the sky "corrected" itself, and quite suddenly appeared to change to the proper position.
There is clearly magic afoot. I've also been told that a being, often called "Kaul", is a spirit of great power in the Valley and has cursed the sky for the transgressions of those who fought in the War. With this in mind, I'm not sure the Valley is actually stuck in perpetual night. For one, it's near impossible (without moving the rotation of the world's axis entirely) to make this actually happen and the consequences on a global scale are unthinkable. Moreover, the growth of crops and flourisishing of algae in the Swamplands of Sierhaven imply to me that this night is artificial. I posit that there is a blanket of magical enery hanging over the Valley - in much the same way we in the Isles experience a blanket of smog above our lands - that show the inhabitants this twilight, while offering the land the sun it still needs. I need to schedule a return trip so I may study this phenomenon in depth. I am truly fascinated.