Facing Reality

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Facing Reality is a book written long ago by an inhabitant of the City of Shifting Waters. It can be found in a chest in the Steelmeld Passage outside Steelmeld, which is unlocked during Fred's Bizarre Adventure.


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A warding spell, they say, something that would prevent outsiders from entering our home.

There seems to be nations forming in the lands we deemed inhabitable. Ishtar, or something.

Who would want to live in a desert? Or a frostbitten tundra? I don't understand.

But our home is sacred, so I understand the caution. We were tasked by those who came before us to... do something... If only we actually knew what.

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Political squabbles, how agitating. The Minister's once-loyal following have basically turned on him.

They argue that the ward would not only keep outsiders at bay, but lock us inside.

I can't say I see this ending well.

They continue to mention "our purpose" here, but does anyone actually know what that purpose is anymore? My entire life has been spent here, why do I suddenly question this logic?

Page 3
The Minister has ordered the sages to perform the ritual, at the behest of the guard and many politicians.

Does he want to start a civil war? We don't have the space for that.

Apparently the ritual requires some rather heavy magic. All citizens have been ordered to remain in their homes until it has been completed.

Page 4
Something... something's wrong... something definitely went wrong with the ritual.

My neighbor's home is... on the other end of the city? But it is... also somehow connected to my home?

This doesn't make any sense, it's like reality itself is distorting all around us.

What happened here?

Page 5
It's been a while since I have written and... too much has happened...

Of the community I grew up with, only 3 of us remain, at least, that I'm aware of. Maybe others escaped somehow.

The ritual, it disturbed something... something that lied right atop the city... something ancient...

Why do I lie awake at night thinking that, whatever it is, it relates back to our "purpose"?

If it is true, there is great irony in the fact that we spent so much time on a goal that no one understood, only for it to destroy us in the end.

Fate is cruel that way.

Hateno has sealed off the floors below. All that remains now is a small passage way that leads up to the ocean gateway, though I have this horrid feeling that entrances may exist elsewhere. I pray dearly for those who find themselves unlucky enough to enter.

The effects of distortion don't seem to be occuring this high up.

To the unknowing eye, it would actually seem quite peaceful here.