Fishy Business

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Coordinates: [-798, 87, 1435]

He's talking to himself.

[Lincoln] Ugh, this client again? Why does he always order so many rare fish? It's such a pain...

  • [Hello crazy person talking to himself!]
    • [Lincoln] Well, there's no need to be rude.


[Lincoln] Are you here to order something annoying too?

  • [Yes, I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.]
    • [Lincoln] Go away.
    • He gives you a stern look. That obviously wasn't on the menu.

[No, I was just stopping by to see if you needed anything.]

[Lincoln] Oh, I see. Why yes- you see this client I have is looking for some pain-in-the-arse-to-fetch fish. And I know exactly where to find it...the Sunken Ship to the southwest. This species of Salmon love to hide in wrecks.

C: Travel to the Sunken Ship to obtain the Salmon for Lincoln's client.

After getting the Salmon:

C: [1/2]: Return to Lincoln with the Salmon.

C: [2/2]: If you lose the Salmon you can find another at the Sunken Ship.


[Lincoln] Ah! You've found it. Perfect...

[You're acting pretty creepy about this.]

[Lincoln] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.

[It's okay. What do I need to do next?]

[Lincoln] It's simple: just deliver the fish to my client! He should be in the park in front of the Brig.

He rubs his hands together excitedly.

C: [1/2]: Deliver the Salmon to the client by the Mistport Brig.

C: [2/2]: If you lose the Salmon you can find another at the Sunken Ship.

Coordinates: -808, 80, 1308

[Alton] I hope my delivery comes soon- I was looking to cook up something fishy for dinner tonight...

[Why yes, your delivery has come!]

[Alton] Ah! Perfect! I assume you've brought the fish?

[Yep, here it is.]

[Alton] Hmm... It looks a little odd for a salmon, but I'm sure it'll taste just fine! I trust Lincoln. Give him my thanks!

C: Return to Lincoln


[Lincoln] Have you delivered the fish?

[Yes, I have! Alton seems quite pleased- he was looking forward to having it for dinner.]

[Lincoln] Perfect! Now I'll never have to deal with him again!

He looks at you nervously.

[Excuse me?]

[Lincoln] Uh... did I say that out loud?

[What was that fish I gave him?]

[Lincoln] Oh come on! Don't tell me you didn't notice: it was obviously a pufferfish! Look, how about I give you some compensation for your work and your silence...

FISHY BUSINESS COMPLETE! Awarded 32 Crystalline Shards!