Five Streams

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Before you lies the source of the Hot Spring, flowing from the remnants of Ta'Ferna, the Forsworn Sanctum. It has been sealed away, keeping the horrors within at bay.

It may only be opened in times of great emergency. If this is true, the way forward requires the cunning of the Tlaxan and a knowledge of nature.

You must pull the levers on the panel in a specific order, releasing water infused with 5 different Xekkj rocks, but they MUST be done in the right order. If they are not, the infused waters will not reach their proper readiness, and the stream will not be cleansed, to open the way.

In this very room is the answer to that order. Find it, and the way to the Sanctum will be opened. The Sanctum lies far from here, but this stream is the only way within.

Attune with the path of flowers, and let it guide you. The grass leads high and the dirt leads low. To set you on that path, the first lever to pull is the Upper White lever.

If you are prepared to advance, the blessings of Quetzalcoatl be upon your soul.