For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Unlock the rest of the bell towers to make travel across Star Point easier.

Coordinates: [3 173 821]

You reach out and ring the bell absently. What a pretty sound! With a sudden rush, the world seems to change around you and a voice rings out as loud as the bell...

[Friari Obleitt] ...and as the Silver Ones speak, we, the flock, shall listen. Our blades will be as sharp as our faith. The bells will chime to take us to safety. Oh penitent ones, be forever worthy of their protection and...

The voice cuts off and you find yourself drifting far above Star Point...

FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS Difficulty: Easy Length: Long Unlock the rest of the bell towers to make travel across Star Point easier.

If trying to use an undiscovered bell:

The astral plane rejects you. You do not know this route yet.

(To get back, look down and left click the Dominus bell you came from)

C: Find the Bell Towers hidden around Star Point - the compass will always point to Dominus.

Bell dialogue:

Coordinates: [169 122 1368]

With only the briefest hesitation, you ring the bell. As the chime peals, you find yourself pulled once more into the space above Star Point.

[Hatchery Master Seymund] almost took my arm off. Surely we can handle this better, yes? I might be merely mortal, but the Knights and their ilk don't seem quite so bound to the normal laws of nature, am I right? Why can't they raise the little dragons? I don't want to lose my...

Travel Point Austrus Unlocked

Coordinates: [9 36 620]

With only the briefest hesitation, you ring the bell. As the chime peals, you find yourself pulled once more into the space above Star Point.

[Zhklllyq] ...zhq phaa fhyvvn. Aqiijun bkenni vdaeha ~sg su vrkklchrr. Sqiiq Pljrrrr su rawweq. Se su jhamre~ kreiiijhaa. Bdevvyn ~sg dqiii shaa vnnyrett chaaaak...

Travel Point Borealus Unlocked

Coordinates: [-1 208 978]

With only the briefest hesitation, you ring the bell. As the chime peals, you find yourself pulled once more into the space above Star Point.

[Pastral Ochinet] The plane above is the way. Step forth from your body and be transported. Physical form is not needed here…

Travel Point Occidenalus Unlocked

Coordinates: [155 207 688]

With only the briefest hesitation, you ring the bell. As the chime peals, you find yourself pulled once more into the space above Star Point.

[Silver Knight Daarken] ...even with our eyes searching the skies, I am not sure we are able to track the threats from Beyond. However, in my observations and studies, I am confident that these eyes The Architect has felt upon us are not manifestations of the ley lines, but are instead something different. An Outsider to what we...

Travel Point Orentalus Unlocked

Coordinates: [193 46 831]
(This one is underground. Continuing along the path southeast from the Borealus bell is fairly straightforward though.)

With only the briefest hesitation, you ring the bell. As the chime peals, you find yourself pulled once more into the space above Star Point.

[Friari Bevyen] ...the blessings are granted to you, please step forward and be cleansed with the Font of Silver to symbolize your transformation from a simple being to a follower of the Silver Order and a member of the Architect's flock. Blessings be upon...

Travel Point Subterus Unlocked

After discovering all six bells:

[Lord Emperor Uriddan] ...something stirs in the Citadel once more. This cannot be a good sign...

Awarded Resonating Belltongue, and full access to Star Point Fast Travel!