Fountain of Miracles

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Coordinates: [592, 97, 199]

[Drake] Ah, I see it in your eyes, you're an adventurer. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then a cave spider crippled my leg. Stick around and talk for a bit and I'll buy you a drink.

  • [Some other time.]
    • [Drake] Heh, your loss. You'll wish you listened to my tales when the Harpies of Tersata are tearing out your innards.

[Sure, I'll listen.]

[Drake] Ha, good choice. And here's that drink I promised.

Received 1 Awful Ale

[Drake] Now, I can tell you about my adventurers on the Air Rafts of Galos, Siege of Redstorm, or my search for the Fountain of Miracles.

  • [Air Rafts of Galos.]
    • [Drake] Well you see, the Galos' lands have acid lakes that give off noxious fumes. So they've lashed giant wood platforms to ghasts and sail through the air. I was a sky pirate there, raiding and pillaging, but quit because the ghasts never shut up.
  • [Siege of Redstorm]
    • [Drake] I was in the city of Redstorm when the Wheeler Legion put us to siege. Oh, the redstone cannons and poison launchers we had, technology you've never seen. After a year though they broke through the gates and started sacking the city, so I stole one of the uniforms and joined the party, ha!

[Fountain of Miracles]

[Drake] Nearby, in the South of the Blackroot Jungle, the Tlaxani spoke of a magical Fountain. The waters from it could heal any wound. I spent years looking for it, but failed. You though, I think you've got a change, what do you say?

  • [I'll start my search.]
    • [Drake] Haha, that's the spirit! Good luck out there, and watch out for spiders!
  • [Sounds too dangerous.]
    • [Drake] The best things in life usually are dangerous.

Drake spoke of a mysterious fountain in the wilderness. Search the southern jungle for this legend.

Head to Corrupted Caves.

Once you reach the fountain at [503, 40, 434]:

[Spirit of the Fountain] Hello? Is someone there? If you can hear me, the fountain's source is corrupted. Dark druids have summoned foul grove creatures to pollute the water in the eastern lake. Slay the foul beasts on the forsaken island so that the fountain can be pure again.

The fountain has been corrupted! The island to the east of it must be purified by slaying the venomous spiders that dwell there.

Head to Corrupted Island and kill spiders. (Note: Do not break all the spider spawners, you just need to kill spiders).

After killing enough spiders:

You feel a corrupting influence lift from this forest. Perhaps you should return to the Fountain.

The beasts have been slain and the source purified! Return to the fountain in the caves for a blessing.

[Spirit of the Fountain] Thank you hero, you have restored the healing magic of the fountain. Bathe in it to give yourself restorative powers. My magic cannot do much else, but thank you for your kindness, and beware the druids...

Return to Drake and tell him that the fountain ahs been purified.


[Drake] You found it? Great job, I knew an adventurer like you could find it. I think it's time for me to hobble over there and dunk my leg in it.

FOUNTAIN OF MIRACLES COMPLETE! Awarded 4 Golden Apples and Water Robe.