Happy Pineapple Merchant

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One of the possible traders at the Expedition Docks.

[Happy Pineapple Merchant] Welcome friend. Business is booming down at the pineapple plantation! Why don't you check out my wares?
[You sell pine trees and apples?]
[Happy Pineapple Merchant] How dare you. The pineapple is the noblest of fruit. Some say this world isn't ready for them, but I'm not going to wait. They will soon see this fruit's greatness.

48 CCS Mr. Happy Doll (Uncommon creeper head)

Blast Prot 3, Prot 1, +20% health, 0 armor

CCS Pineapple Extract (splash potion)

Regeneration 2 15s, Speed (20%) 15s

CS Tasty Pineapple (decorative player head)
CCS 1 Gunpowder