Harmonic Convergence

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Help the Harmonious Spirit discover the secrets of their people

Harmonious Spirit

[Harmonious Spirit] A utopia for but a few, or so they said. Yet here I am, stuck in my misery. Was I forsaken, or was I right all along?

[I'm sorry to interrupt your eternity of suffering, but what are you talking about?]

[Good luck with your problems, ghost.]

[Harmonious Spirit] ...You can see me? No one has been able to see me before... which is largely why I don't have to pay rent.

[Harmonious Spirit] Hm. Perhaps you have a strong connection to souls. My tale is long, do you wish for the entire story, or the short version?

[The short version.]

[The long version.]

[Harmonious Spirit] Well, you are getting the long version- I need to vent.

[Harmonious Spirit] My people lived in harmony with the world. We split into four groups, each aligned to a season. Part of our duty was to protect our greatest treasure, an item of immeasurable power.

[A wool?]

[What was it?]

[Harmonious Spirit] I really don't remember- none of us on the outside did. However, those inside knew, and every year they chose one person from each of the four groups to join them inside. Once inside, they would grant their people all sorts of wonderful gifts and blessings. It was an honor to be chosen... for most, anyway.


[So you weren't happy.]

[Harmonious Spirit] Indeed, I was happy in my village. I neither wanted to leave, nor did I trust those that had went before me. I can't really say why, but something felt off about the whole thing. There were too many unanswered questions. I fought against the system.

At the shrines, the player will need to find a pressure plate inside the POI and step on it in order to be teleported to a season's chamber. Upon completing the chamber, the shrine will be checked off on your quest compass.

1/4 - Visit the Spring Shrine, located south of Alnera and east of Mistport. Pressure plate at [148, 102, 1352].

Ancient Pink Tulip : click the button at [200, 8, 1311], then bring to [213, 8, 1330] Ancient Oxeye Daisy : click the button at [218, 8, 1317], then bring to [200, 8, 1331] Ancient Asure Bluet : click the button at [210, 8, 1314], then bring to [201, 8, 1316]

You feel a life giving breeze blow by, and then subside. You have attuned with Spring.

2/4 - Visit the Summer Shrine, located south of Frostgate and west of Mistport. Pressure plate at [-1362, 107, 1359].

[Summer Sage] Welcome, chosen champion of Summer. We shall be your test; do not let your people down.

You feel a blazing heat consume you, and then subside. You have attuned with Summer.

3/4 - Visit the Fall Shrine, located west of Frostgate. Pressure plate at [-1752, 81, 1026].

You feel the winds of change surround you, and then die down. You have attuned with Fall.

4/4 - Visit the Winter Shrine, located north of Nightroost. Pressure plate at [-1368, 136, 323].

[Winter Wraith] Greetings, champion of Winter. To gain our blessing, you must defeat those who failed before you.

You feel a bitter cold engulf you, and then dissipate. You have attuned with Winter.

Once you completed all four shrines, return to the Harmonious Spirit.

Harmonious Spirit

[Harmonious Spirit] You return. Have you had success?

[I have visited all four shrines.]

[Harmonious Spirit] Yes, I detect the blessings upon you. You are now ready to enter the Arboretum. At one point, it served as a rite of passage for my people to travel to the Arboretum's doors, but I dare not guess what it is like now.

[Couldn't I have just broken inside?]

[Harmonious Spirit] No... I mean technically? However, if something dangerous had been in there, it might have been able to escape if you had gone about it that way. In addition you wouldn't have been recognized by the magic of the area and would find it difficult to attune the teleporters to get back out. Regardless, you will need to head through the Sealed Descent to get to the Arboretum.

Go through the Sealed Descent to get to the Arboretum at [-1035, 21, 609].

Harmonious Spirit
[Harmonious Spirit] You have arrived. This is the entrance to our most sacred of sites- I have built this area to serve as a sort of lobby for you. Please, enter the Arboretum and take what lies within, whatever that might be. Be on your guard, however- I died in there, after all.


Awarded a Pink Key, a Pink Shulker Box, and Full access to the Pink Dungeon Trader.