Healthful Networking

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This Trial unlocks the Hierophant specialization for Clerics.

[Ellen] Hello, what brings you here today? Are you in need of care?

  • [Who are you?]
  • [I am an adventurer exploring the area.]

[Ellen] It is dangerous to be an adventurer these days, what with lands preparing for the worst. Be careful.

  • [Please heal me.]

Who are you?

[Ellen] How rude of me to not introduce myself. My name is Ellen, but my friends call me Elly. I'm a hierophant by trade. I was born in Frostgate, but my calling takes me to where I am needed.

  • [What do you do as a hierophant?]
  • [Are you similar to a cleric?]
  • [A heroic ghost?]

[Ellen] Hierophant, not herophant. We go out of our way to try to keep heroes alive, so we are very anti ghost-hero actually. Unfortunately, it has been getting harder to do my job recently. We aren't ready for the storm that is coming.

  • [Is there anything I can do to help?]
  • [Have you considered investing in umbrellas?]
  • [Hopefully everything works out.]

[Ellen] I would never ask you to stop the coming conflicts between our lands, but you are an adventurer... At the moment, our problems are two fold. Our healers aren't in contact with each other, and the device that would enable that has been stolen from us. Would you be willing to try to help?

  • [Yes, what would I have to do?]
  • [That seems complicated.]

[Ellen] I wish to set up a communication network in the region. I had the means to do so, but it was stolen by bandits. They reside at the Bandit Encampment to the west of here. I would go myself, but I can't risk not being here when I'm needed. If you are able to get it, return here.

TRIAL : Healthful Networking
Class: Cleric
Skill: Hierophant
Description: Help Ellen establish a network between the land's healers.

[Ellen] I wish to set up a communication network in the region. I had the means to do so, but it was stolen by bandits. They reside at the Bandit Encampment to the west of here. It will be dangerous, and you should prioritize your survival over everything else. I would go myself, but I can't risk not being here when I'm needed. If you are able to get it, return here.

Upon returning with the Communication Crystal:

[Ellen] I was right to have faith in you. Healers will need a way to talk over long distances. Unfortunately, I can't go see Nurse Norsin in Frostgate myself. This device is magical in nature, and the tundra is distrustful of such things. Magic users have been monitored since the... the "Incident"- if I were to go myself, I would be caught and imprisoned due to their fear. I need your help.
  • [I will do it.]
  • [Will the healer be fine with it?]
  • [The "Incident"?]
  • [I don't want to get in trouble.]

[Ellen] I expect some reluctance from Norsin, but I know that he will distribute the devices to the others in the end; our focus is on saving people after all. Here, take these communication devices. I'm counting on you.

Upon bringing the Communication Device to Nurse Norsin in Frostgate (-1539, 95, 918):

[Nurse Norsin] Welcome to the Frostgate Clinic! How can I be of help?

  • [I was sent here by a Hierophant named Ellen.]
  • [Doesn't the healing aura do your job?]
  • [I'm just looking around.]

[Nurse Norsin] I haven't seen her for a while; how has she been? I'm not used to her sending other people- is everything okay?

  • [She wants you distribute these.]
  • [She needs supplies.]
  • [Everything is fine.]

[Nurse Norsin] Distribute wh...Oh, I see. So this is why she didn't come in person. I am going to have to refuse your request. Despite what he said, Nurse Norsin takes the devices from you. [Nurse Norsin] Unfortunately I won't be able to help. Our traditions don't allow such things, and Ellen would never use this type of device.

  • [Please, Ellen needs your help.]
  • [Can I at least have those devices back?]
  • [Doesn't the healing aura do your job?]
  • [I'm just looking around.]

[Nurse Norsin] I'm afraid you are mistaken. Ellen knows our traditions and knows the current situation. She wouldn't break with tradition even without the risk of having this conversation be overheard by someone. Return those devices to this "Ellen" of yours.

Returning to Ellen:

[Ellen] I can't thank you enough for all you have done. We will be able to save so many people thanks to you.
  • [He took the devices, but refused to help.]
  • [You are an impostor!]

[Ellen] What devices? I don't know what you are talking about. You helped deliver supplies in a manner fitting our traditions. You shouldn't make jokes like that- you never know who might be listening. As for your reward, I will teach you the ways of the hierophant as thanks. May you never stop helping others.

Awarded Hierophant specialization and a Windwrought Shield