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The invoking of the magical nodes of the Tree of Life isn't quite as complex as some researchers seem to believe. While we have given "values" or "power" to the ten nodes we have delineated, those nodes have more power than can be described in a single aspect. Through a process described as "inverting" a node, one can pull forth a power that is an opposite or mirror of the description.

Take Chasom, the power of Eternity. Chasom is a node invoked at face value to add time. But Chasom can be inverted simply by twisting the magic as you call it, to shorten time as well. Perhaps a combatant is slinging a powerful spell at you? Invoke Chasom and invert the power you draw forth, and perhaps you can make the oncoming attack fizzle out before it even strikes. It's really quite simple. Each node is a coin, and its powers are two sides. We as humans just vastly prefer to look at things positively.

Why would one call Midat the power of Weakness when it grants great Strength as well? Why would Tiferet be called Chaos when it offers the Balance man desires? Knowing how to twist nodes to your whim is a core element to becoming a more successful mage. Combine the nodes to your own needs, twist the powers and shape them to your will. The ley lines on the Tree are only there to show what powers flow through the world. There is so much more to discover when you do not follow the beaten path.