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Island is a book written by the senechal of the followers of Aphelios about their schism from the Aurian stargazers. It can be found on a lectern on Aphelion Isle.


Trust has been lost in Aurora. I believe her visions; I believe the stars. But I cannot support sacrifices to them. Aphelios has finally dared to speak up, begging for relief. We fled the Scholars because of the needless death in the war, and now Aurora demands a sacrifice to her stars every month, claiming that everything is working according to plan. My faith is being drained. As much as the Cloud Piercer – Xanatull – should be my home, I am prepared to leave with Aphelios. He has promised to keep us safe from the stars, and I trust he will succeed.

While Aurora is not pleased with our leaving, she is allowing this rebellion. She claims she will not force us to remain, but warns that the sacrifices are simply a way to call the stars and our leaving will spell our folly. Aphelios does not care. Our raft is completed and we will leave today. The stars have started to whisper to me as well. Doom. Doom is coming.

After several days of sailing, we have found land. A lush island, covered in green grass and many trees. Xanatull was a fortress, but this is a paradise. Aphelios leapt from the raft and swam to land, proclaiming the land to be Aphelion Isle, the homeland of his people. I am happy we have arrived, but the future worries me. I have changed homes twice in so many years. I do not want to do it again.