James and the Giant Tooth

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James and the Giant Tooth is a book regarding Hrimnir's Incisor that can be found in The Fallen Forum dungeon during and after The Olive Branch. It can be found on a lectern near the frozen corpse of Hrimnir at the end of the Restricted Books section of the Forum Archives.


Honestly, the Frost Giant research team got lucky. When uncovering the body of Hrimnir, they found one of his teeth, frozen in regular ice nearby. Nobody thought much of it until Jenkins' younger brother managed to cut a chunk of true ice with it by accident. After that, we realized the tooth would carve right through true ice as if it were a hot knife. With this knowledge, we went through an extremely technical implementation with the tooth where we... uh... strapped it to a big stick.

Look, it worked, okay?

We then used the apparatus to carve the corpse of the Frost Giant out to begin preparations to bring the body back to the Congress itself. What a lucky discovery. Without it, we'd have been stuck at a mobile base for years!