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Assumption: lua modules can only be #invoke'd if they reside within the Module namespace.

Assertion: littering said namespace with random test pages would be an inconvenient for everyone.

Conclusion: Shove your testing and unfinished projects into Module:Sandbox/YourUsername or Module:Sandbox/YourUsername/Whatever to allow your tests to function while avoiding making a mess.

-- define a table which will contain all the externally invokable functions 
local p = {}

-- naming the function directly as a property of the table is one way
function p.print1(frame)
	return "This prints."

-- assigning it is another way
p.print2 = function(frame)
	return "This prints."

	if you want things to be accessible to functions of your module 
	but dont need them accessible from #invoke, they dont need to 
	be properties of the returned table
local greetings = {"Hello", "Hiya", "Greetings", "Acknowledging", "Hey"}

function randomEntry(t)
	return t[math.random(#t)]

function randomGreeting()
	return randomEntry(greetings)
-- -- --

function p.hello(frame)
	return randomGreeting() .. " " .. or frame.args[1] or frame:getParent() or frame:getParent().args[1] or "there" .. "!"

-- expose your table of functions for #invoke
return p