Overboard, Deeper Still

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Tha Cap'n be gone an' tha crew be in shambles. Tha Mist ain't ready fer this kinda absense, aye. Yet tha Cap'n swore he gone an' felt tha call o' the Corsair an' so he must be answerin', lest some other sea dogs loot it fer themself. Davey'll step up though. He always be doin' that when Varcosa goes an' lets tha crew down with 'is wild hunt.


Davey is callin' for us ta leave tha ship. With Varcosa bein' all missin' an' tha like, I be tempted ta take 'im up on tha call. He says he's hearin' from the God o' the Deep, an Rhygfar tha Crazed is backin' up his word. Now I don't be listenin' to everything ol' Rhygar is spoutin', but I know enough 'bout 'im to know that he's the mouth piece fer the call o' tha deep. Davey'll be leavin' the ship behind wit' a crew o' the bravest pirates from the Black Mist an' headin' ta a breach come tha dawn.


I'm gonna be goin' wit' 'im.


Davey's eyes 'ave changed colors. He be sayin' he's seeing what She's showin' him. I wanna be seein' those majestic sights. I ain't seen anythin' but the Mist since tha Veil went an' spat me out, aye. Tha Lieutenant is sayin' She needs defendin' and we're her chosen crew. Scares me ta think a God be needin' defendin', but I will be seekin' the Broken Beyond fer her, ye got that right.