Paperback Buckler

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Paperback Buckler is an Uncommon Offhand Shield found in The Fallen Forum Dungeon. The primary function of the item is to act as an offhand for Two-Handed weapons, which the Weightless enchant ignores, providing the player with an on-hand shield.


"It doesn't make for the best defense, but it can block a shot here and there."


  • Paperback Buckler is dropped on Eomen, Head Researcher's death. The miniboss can be found at the top left side of the central room inside of The Fallen Forum dungeon (around -1155x 235y 8335z).
The Fallen Forum Items
Dungeon Delves
Replica Olive Wool
Bottled Spirit ● Shade Telemetry ● Shadowed Vial
Arm of an Ent ● Ent Seedling ● Wooden Needle
Letter to a Loved One ● Alleria's Locket ● Damaged Chassis
Many Books
Olive Strand ● Apparatus of Olive
Fallen Forum Key
Conscriptorium Key ● Conservatory Key ● Living Quarters Key
Cloud Meal ● Crown Sulfer ● Hangman's Fertilizer ● Lernaean Mulch ● Raw Rat
Ex Nihilo - Hallud ● Ex Nihilo - Chasom ● Ex Nihilo - Midat ● Ex Nihilo - Daath ● Ex Nihilo - Keter