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Pickaxes are the most important tool in the game and are mainly used to break monster spawners. There are various pickaxes that can be found in the game. Below is a list of them.

Effective Durability is the expected number of uses for this tool. It is calculated using the base durability, the actual durability of the item (some items are only obtainable with less-than-full durability), and the Unbreaking enchantment. Values in brackets indicate that the item has Mending.

Effective Tool Speed is the time needed to break a monster spawner (in seconds). It is calculated using the base tool speed and the Efficiency enchantment.

King's Valley

Tier 1-5
Tier Name Material Enchantments Effective Durability Effective Tool Speed Attack Speed Attack Damage
I Wood

Fortune II

59 3.75 1.2 2
I Wood

Efficiency I
Unbreaking II

177 1.875 1.2 2
II Wood

Efficiency II
Unbreaking I

118 1.071 1.2 2
II Stone

Unbreaking II

393 1.875 1.2 3
II Stone

Fortune II

131 1.875 1.2 3
III Stone

Efficiency I
Unbreaking I

262 1.25 1.2 3
III Stone

Unbreaking V

786 1.875 1.2 3
III Stone

Fortune II
Unbreaking I

262 1.875 1.2 3
III Wood

Efficiency II
Knockback I
Unbreaking II

177 1.071 1.2 2
III Wood

Efficiency I
Fortune I
Unbreaking IV

295 1.875 1.2 3
IV Stone

Efficiency II
Unbreaking I

262 0.833 1.2 3
IV Wood

Efficiency III

59 0.625 1.2 2
IV Stone

Fortune III

131 1.875 1.2 3
IV Wood

Fortune IV
Unbreaking II

177 3.75 1.2 2
IV Stone

Efficiency I
Fortune I
Unbreaking III

524 1.25 1.2 3
V Wood

Efficiency IV
Curse of Vanishing

59 0.395 1.2 2
V Stone

Fortune IV
Unbreaking II

393 1.875 1.2 3
V Stone

Efficiency I

(131) 1.25 1.2 3