Prisoner Activities

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Mid mornin': The scum muttered 'bout some "older magic". Funny stuff that, older magic. I wonder what that means.

Like an hour later: Scum started waxin' all poetic-like about the fall o' man an' how 'Alder was gonna bring it 'bout.

Scum's sleepin' right now. No winks fer me though. I gotta stay on duty 'til Levyn gets in, I guess.

Late night: Scum woke up an' started talkin' to me real serious-like. Tol' me that he wouldn't spill the beans to anyone but the cap'n who'd end his life. I reckon he's ready to go now. I gave it a thought, but I don't wanna be the one ta learn this scum's secrets 'n' all. Not my style, I say.

Still, I'm thinkin' he knows a lot more than he'd say. Maybe another drenchin'll do it.