Professor Walthan's Guide to Flora and Fauna, Vol 7

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There is an entire series of books with this name, for the list of them see Professor Walthan's Guide to Flora and Fauna.

Professor Walthan's Guide to Flora and Fauna, Vol 7, written by Professor Walthan is one of the many books found within The Fallen Forum, as well as being part of the Guide to Flora and Fauna collection. This book details how Professor Walthan got ahold of a branch of the Tree of Life, and by extension, the Entcrusher.

Volume 7: The Tree of Life


I'm aware some of you may view me as silly or useless, but I assure you, I am nothing less than a proper hero. You see, I've found something no other adventurer known to a fairly wide team of researchers have ever found - The Tree of Life. There's been a lot of research from the folks over at the Celsian Congress regarding this thing, but I found it, and I'm not telling where. I've been... for lack of a better word, sworn to silence by the local Dichen population. They do not want outsiders, like me, swarming in to the area and contaminating their environment. They have enough struggles right now that "tourists" wouldn't help their cause. Normally this isn't something I'd care about, but when delivered at the end of a sword, I got the picture. Silence it is.

But on to the tree. It is magnificent. Massive branches creating a beautiful canopy over a massive swath of land, with trees nestled below. Built into its trunk are a wide array of homes, occupied by the natives. The tree itself breathes magic. I don't know how else to describe the feeling. It's awe inspiring. I don't even have the energy to be snarky about this place. I am genuinely inspired by nature.

As such, I went to take a clipping. Nobody liked that. Defenders seemed to spring forth from nowhere. Tree-like creatures, charging me instantly. I of course was ready. I hefted my axe and smashed it against the tree creature. It went down immediately and a strange bolt of magic ran down it. The creature sunk into the ground, leaving behind a gnarled, axe like branch behind. Curious, I picked it up. Instantly, the other tree creatures vanished. Interesting. I looked over the branch axe, and found it to be quite sharp. Could this be permission? Had I won a branch after all?

I hefted the axe and swung it down onto the branch I had targeted. It snapped off easily, and I took it quickly, glancing around for more tree creatures. None came. They were Ents of course, as I would come to learn, so I named this axe the Entcrusher. After this event, I prepared to leave the island. The Dichen were happy to see me leave, if I'm honest. I don't blame them.

Now I need to work out what best to do with this branch. I'll take it to the Lowtide Library's archivists and see what can be done...