Rotting Journal

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Day 1:

I'm not proud of the things that have transpired this day, but I did what I must to protect myself, and well as my apprentice. It hurt me to leave without saying goodbye, but it had to be done. Their eyes were observing me, all over Sierhaven. No matter where I went, I could feel their ever-present glare looming over me, as if my research had lead me down a dark path of information that was never meant to be stumbled upon. Damn the Blackbearer… I dare not even write his name. name. Regardless, I must continue my research, even if it means doing so in hiding.

Day 3:

I have reached the area colloquially known as the "Anthill". While there aren't many ants in sight, there are certainly enough soulless zombies and Creepers to keep one busy. That is, unless zombies and Creepers do, in fact, have souls. Actually, that is an interesting prospect. I'll make a note to research that later.

Day 9:

Of all the horrid things to occur in this wretched dungeon, a tunnel collapse was the last thing I needed to happen. I don't believe I've ever witnessed a Creeper act so focused before. Usually that species just mindlessly detonates at the sight of movement, in a bid to spread its spores onto the rotting flesh of whatever poor soul got caught in the blast. This Creeper, however, I felt something akin to intelligence, as if it were specifically targeting me. What is this place?

Day 15:

The more I travel down these seemingly endless pathways, the more I notice the same phenomenon that I originally witnessed with that Creeper, an inherent self-realization, a tandem in which all the creatures in these tunnels move and react. It's as if every action they are taking were… guided. By what though? I also can't help but note the voices, always coming from a distance, yet they feel as if they are right behind me at all times.

Day 23:

I'm not sure how much longer I can continue. The voices continue to grow louder, shouting at me from the very depths of my being. My pacing has slowed significantly, as I try to maintain my composure. Am I going going crazy?

Day 25:

Today, something quite marvelous happened. I had given up and was making my way back through the tunnels, in an effort to find an exit. As I traveled through the darkness, the ground below me gave way, and I began plummeting into the earth. Surely, I thought, this was my death. Oh how wrong I was. I found myself on a platform, centered in a room that was almost certainly man-made. Across the room, there lied a structure made of pure Lapis. Most men would marvel at the riches that they had just stumbled upon, but I'm far more curious as to how it got here. Who would go to such lengths as to build something this extravagant so far beneath the surface? Now, if only the voices would hush and let me think.

Day 27:

The more I study this room, the more I am certain I do not belong here. Visions constantly flash through my mind; horrid sights of carnage, cities set ablaze. As such, I'm ending this trip early. I can't keep myself here any longer, lest I actually let my mind slip into insanity. I long for the comfort of home, so I will return to my lab just outside of Nyr. At least there I know I will be safe. Perhaps, I can even reach out to Dimitri when I get back. Now just to find my way out of here.