Rush of Dissonance

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Rush of Dissonance is a special challenge in the Celsian Isles. It features endless waves of enemies and doesn't end until the player's death or the weekly reset. It is only playable as a single player or duo, but multiple instances can exist simultaneously.


Upon completion of the quest Rapacity, the player will unlock the teleport to the Rush lobby behind the Harmonious Spirit in the Harmonic Arboretum lobby. Purchase a key from the repeeketaG for 1 HCS and talk to one of the observers with it. You will be able to begin the challenge by selecting the dialogue.


Break Room

The player will spawn in a room similar to the starting room of most dungeons. However, the area is in adventure mode, there is no lore board, no Gatekeeper, and the doorway you usually enter through instead has pressure plates to enter the arena. You may also leave the shard with the button, saving your progress for later. Please note that instances will not be preserved over weekly reset and, if the run is not completed and the weekly reset occurs, you will not receive the rewards you would've earned. This room is the only place the player may disconnect. Disconnecting in the arena will forfeit and close your instance.

After every 10 waves, you may opt to take a break and be sent back to this room. Simply step on the pressure plate to be sent back to the arena and continue where you left off.

The Arena

Once the player has stepped on the pressure plate, they will be sent to the arena and start/resume their progress. The arena is a large open room with two length-wide balconies on opposite sides. There is a smaller balcony on another side and a staircase across from it, which leads to the main balconies, although one is blocked off. Obsidian spawns under the player if they remain near the same position for too long. Obsidian clears after ten waves.


A chat message will announce when a wave begins, starting at 1 (unless the checkpoint is taken, in which it starts at 20). The wave number signifies how many enemies will spawn in that wave. If there are too many enemies to spawn at once (around 10 max), the additional enemies will spawn after some time, until all enemies in the wave have been spawned. After wave 10, the final 2-3 enemies will glow to make them easier to spot. Once all enemies in the wave have been killed, a chat message will verify it and the next wave will begin after 7 seconds. After every 10th wave, a message will ask the player if they wish to take a break. Clicking the option will send them to the break room and save their progress.

The enemies spawned are dependent on the current attunement of the arena (discussed in next section).


Completion of certain waves unlocks trades and grants achievements (after the run is over):

  • Wave 25 (Reliction advancement) unlocks the trades for all the Relics at the Dissonant Spirit
  • Wave 40 (Epicurean advancement) unlocks the trade for the Rush Epic, the Remnant of the Rose, at the Dissonant Spirit
  • Wave 75 (Conqueror advancement) rewards the player with a Replica Rose Wool

Duo mode requires double the normal waves beaten (wave 80 for Epicurean for example).


After the 10th wave, prior to a wave starting, the arena may or may not attune to a season. Depending on the attunement, the enemies as well as the arena will change. The arena will reset itself after a change in attunement, fixing holes and removing placed blocks. Obsidian will not be removed however.


This is the base layout of the arena described above.

The waves feature many corrupted-looking enemies as well as some enemies from other seasons sprinkled in. The primary Elite is an iron golem that inflicts wither and has the Strong Charge and Block Break ability.


Most of the red from the original layout has been replaced with blue. There are small dips of ice and holes of water scattered around the floor. Additionally, the small stairs under the balconies have been replaced by ladders.

Unique enemies include evokers, hostile wolves, trident drowned, and large stacks of skeletons. The majority of enemies in this season inflict slowness on hit. The primary Elite is a wither skeleton with the Frost Nova ability.


The center of the arena is laid out with podzol and most of the corrupted parts are replaced with wood and warm-colored "leaves". The arena looks more worn down and decrepid.

The enemies in this season include mobs such as trident drowned, vindicators, and wither skeletons. The primary Elite is _____.


A small arch with stairs lays beneath the small balcony, and a ring of slime blocks replaces part of the floor.

Enemies from this attunement include guardians riding spiders, charged creepers, and evokers. The primary Elite is a wither skeleton that has the Heal ability.


The four pillars surrounding the center have been replaced with lava pillars and fire is scattered around the edge.

This season includes enemies such as blazes, flaming spiders, and vindicators. The primary Elite is a wither skeleton with a bow riding on top a blaze. The wither skeleton has the Fire Ring ability.


Upon death, the player will be kicked out of the shard and receive Dissonant Energy (DE) dependent on the waves they've completed. 100 Dissonant Energy can be converted back and forth to Amalgamated Dissonant Energy (ADE), which is used more often in the trades. DE and ADE can be traded in at the Dissonant Spirit in the lobby for various relics and even an Epic.

The amount of DE obtained is based on the waves cleared (waves skipped by the checkpoint do not grant any DE). Each wave grants a certain amount of DE (halved for duo).

Caption text
Wave number DE per wave
1-10 1
11-20 10
21-30 20
31-40 30
41-50 40
51-60 50
61-70 60
71-80 70
81-90 80
91-100 90
101-110 100
111-120 100
All further waves 100


Item Cost Unlock Requirement
Dark Thunder 20 DE None
6 Rose Petal 1 ADE None
Bloodmoon Chains 18 ADE Wave 25
Crown of Chains 18 ADE Wave 25
Demon's Scar 18 ADE Wave 25
Devouring Wind 18 ADE Wave 25
Harmony's End 18 ADE Wave 25
Legionis 18 ADE Wave 25
Talaya's Decay 18 ADE Wave 25
Winter's March 18 ADE Wave 25
Pulsating Emerald 3 ADE Wave 25
Remnant of the Rose 24 HCS 30 ADE Wave 40