Silver Knight's Tomb

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The Silver Knight's Tomb is accessed through completion of The Tomb of Time. Story keys can be purchased from the Probatekeeper for 16 CCS in the region 2 lobby. Raid Keys can be purchased from the Probatekeeper for 1 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring in the region 3 lobby.

SpoilerBanner.png Warning. This section contains spoilers. You may wish to postpone reading further until you've played the related content.

Despite being classified as a Raid Dungeon, only 4 players can be in one instance, and players cannot be added to an instance after starting it.

Like dungeons, players can leave and re-enter the instance until it has expired. Unlike dungeons, the instance only lasts 7 days, chests use strike mechanics, players can abandon instances immediately, and players are removed from the instance upon exiting their loot room. Players can run multiple instances of SKT each week, with the first win each week having bonus loot, separating for each mode.


The Silver Knight's Tomb has three different difficulties. Players are expected to complete Story Mode (or required? needs confirmation) before playing Normal difficulty, and cannot themselves start a Savage difficulty instance without having first attained a Normal win.

Normal and Savage difficulties also have a hard requirement of 4 players to start.

Players are expected to first play Story difficulty, and the other difficulties should not be entered without being prepared for an increase in difficulty beyond that of other strikes or world bosses, requiring significant team coordination.


Story difficulty allows starting the run with only one player, all the players deal 270% times of damage and take 50% damage. The bosses in Story difficulty have extremely limited attacks and no special multiplayer mechanics, and players only receive loot for their first ever Story mode completion. It allows the use of both Celsian Isles and Architect's Ring gears, unlike the other two difficulties, making this the only area (besides Plots and Playerplots) where all gear can be used without regional penalties.


Requires 4 people to start an instance. Bosses have actually dangerous abilities, and mechanics intended to require 3 people cooperating at all times. Dungeon counts as being in region 3.


Requires 4 people to start an instance. Mobs in Savage mode deal 25% more damage and take 25% less damage (Excluding the 2 main bosses). Most boss abilities oneshot. Boss mechanics are intended to require 4 people cooperating at all times. Dungeon counts as being in region 3. Savage wins grant SKT delve mats (Silver Remnant) which can be used to purchase upgraded versions of certain region 2 items, the Worldshaper's Loom epic, and the Refresh delve infusion. Good communication between teammates is key


One continuous path throughout the dungeon. 97 chests, 82 before construct and 15 after, with each reward tier being 9 chests. You need 91(?) for max reward tier.

Crystals spread along the path to the cathedral, upon one of them been broken, teleport all players to an enclosed arena in adventure mode, and summons the crystal's respective miniboss. Players are returned to where the crystal was broken after the boss is defeated. Four minibosses are: At lake, Lyrata (blaze); Courtyard, Timeborn Legionary (vindicator); Forge, Infernal Flame (an evoker); Tower, Timesick Twins (a vindicator and a pillagar).

Lake / Cathedral / Forge / Forge Apex - Shortcuts are located next the lake crystal, right before the Silver Construct arena, at the start of the Forge, and at the end of the Forge (right before Armory + Teal).

After beating Orasomn there's a copy of the teal ending race except it's not timed and you can re-enter if you die. Reach the end to get completion and loot room.


Silver Construct

Mob type: Iron golem (Duelist); Attack stuns shield for 6 seconds.

Aggro: Respects hard aggro, but clears aggro upon phase changes.

Arena: Massive square room with 3 layers of floor that signifies phase changes.


  • 10000 HP. Can break blocks.
  • Echo Charge - 2/3 of the arena is covered by yellow particles during the charge time of 7 seconds, deals 110 melee damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other 1/3 of the arena. Some edges of the arena can be used to cheese this attack. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Mechanical Void - 1/4 of the arena turns into magma blocks shortly before disappearing, deals 40% of player's HP of damage to player who falls into, boosts them up and gives slow falling for 7 seconds. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Stonemason - 5 blocks radius of gray circles, deals 70 melee damage and upward knockback at the end of charge.
  • Silver Bolts - White missile particles are fired at every player with slow projectile speed but hard homing ability, deals 80 magic damage on hit, traps the player in a cage, and inflicts 10 seconds of 50% Anti-Healing and Mining Fatigue 99. Damage can be blocked with a shield and the entire attack can be blocked by blocks.
  • Unstability - Casted at 30% / 20% / 10% HP. Arena shrinks to 16 / 12 / 8 blocks radius, the edges of the arena are replaced by magma blocks dealing 50 magic damage per second (this damage-dealing has Y indicator regardless of whether the player is standing on it or in mid air above it).
  • Summons 8 normal mobs from what you have met in this dungeon. Casted at 80% / 60% / 20% HP.


  • 19000 HP. Can break blocks.
  • Echo Charge - 2/3 of the arena is covered by yellow particles during the charge time of 7 seconds, deals 110 melee damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other 1/3 of the arena. Some edges of the arena can be used to cheese this attack. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Mechanical Void - 1/4 of the arena turns into magma blocks shortly before disappearing, deals 40% of player's HP of damage to player who falls into, boosts them up and gives slow falling for 7 seconds. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Metallic Rush - Aggro at a random / nearest player, marks a linear path with orange and white particles, dashes through shortly after and breaks blocks on its path (the floor gradually recovers in 10 seconds), deals 90 magic damage and heavily knockback to player upon touching. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Stonemason - 5 blocks radius of gray circles, deals 70 melee damage and upward knockback at the end of charge.
  • Silver Bolts - White missile particles are fired at every player with slow projectile speed but hard homing ability, deals 80 magic damage on hit, traps the player in a cage, and inflicts 10 seconds of 50% Anti-Healing and Mining Fatigue 99. Damage can be blocked with a shield and the entire attack can be blocked by blocks.
  • Paradox - Casted at 75% / 66% / 25%, 20% HP, cleared at 33% / 0% HP. Gives 1 'clean' player Paradox (aka Temporal Flux) effect that last for 30 seconds, clears the effeft of Stasis, deals 999,999,999 true damage at the end of timer. Can be transferred to the nearest other 'clean' player and reset its duration by hitting the Temporal Exchange Station (shulker) at the middle of the arena and other 'clean' player without Paradox effect hit it after.
  • Steelbore Spread - Casted every 10% HP the boss loses. 7 / 3 (phase 3) blocks radius of red circles surround each player during the charge time of 7 seconds, deals 60% of player's HP of damage if one's circle is overlapping with other's at the end of charge.
  • Unstability - Casted at 30% / 20% / 10% HP. Arena shrinks to 16 / 12 / 8 blocks radius, the edges of the arena are replaced by magma blocks dealing 50 magic damage per second (this damage-dealing has Y indicator regardless of whether the player is standing on it or in mid air above it).
  • Summons 8 normal mobs from what you have met in this dungeon. Casted at 80% / 60% / 20% HP.


  • 27225 HP. Can break blocks.
  • Echo Charge - 2/3 of the arena is covered by yellow particles during the charge time of 7 seconds, deals 300 melee damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other 1/3 of the arena. Some edges of the arena can be used to cheese this attack. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Mechanical Void - 1/4 of the arena turns into magma blocks shortly before disappearing, deals 40% of player's HP of damage to player who falls into, boosts them up and gives slow falling for 7 seconds. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Metallic Rush - Aggro at a random / nearest player, marks a linear area with orange and white particles, dashes through shortly after and breaks blocks on its path (the floor gradually recovers in 10 seconds), deals 90 magic damage and heavily knockback to player upon touching. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 33% HP (phase 3).
  • Stonemason - 5 blocks radius of gray circles, deals 110 melee damage and upward knockback at the end of charge.
  • Silver Bolts - White missile particles are fired at every player with slow projectile speed but hard homing ability, deals 80 magic damage on hit, traps the player in a cage, and inflicts 10 seconds of 50% Anti-Healing and Mining Fatigue 99. Damage can be blocked with a shield and the entire attack can be blocked by blocks.
  • Paradox - Casted at 75% / 66%, 50% / 25%, 20%, 10%, 5% HP, cleared at 33% / 0% HP. Gives 1 'clean' player Paradox (aka Temporal Flux) effect that last for 30 seconds, clears the effeft of Stasis, deals 999,999,999 true damage at the end of timer. Can be transferred to the nearest other 'clean' player and reset its duration by hitting the Temporal Exchange Station (shulker) at the middle of the arena and other 'clean' player without Paradox effect hit it after.
  • Steelbore Spread - Casted every 10% HP the boss loses. 11 / 6 (phase 3) blocks radius of red circles surround each player during the charge time of 7 seconds, deals 100% of player's HP of damage if one's circle is overlapping with other's at the end of charge.
  • Unstability - Casted at 30% / 20% / 10% HP. Arena shrinks to 16 / 12 / 8 blocks radius, the edges of the arena are replaced by magma blocks dealing 50 magic damage per second (this damage-dealing has Y indicator regardless of whether the player is standing on it or in mid air above it).
  • Summons 8 normal mobs from what you have met in this dungeon. Casted at 80% / 60% / 20% HP.


The Forge is a guantlet fight, consisting of 6 wither skeleton (Smite) minibosses, the spawn order of which is randomized per encounter. Killing a miniboss will spawn the next into the arena until all 6 have been defeated.

In Story mode, only 1 miniboss is present in the arena at any given time, and in Normal/Savage modes, 2 minibosses are present in the arena. Upon successful completion of the Forge encounter, the central pillar of the arena will vanish and a portal to the final boss will appear.

Failure of the Forge at any point during the encounter will result in the arena resetting, and players must start the fight from the beginning, refacing all 6 minibosses.

Orasomn, Hand of Fate

Mob type: Enderman (Slayer); Attack stuns sheild for 10 seconds.

Aggro: Respects hard aggro and keeps it forever until taunted.

Arena: 30 block radius circle arena with slight height difference between inner and outer


  • 6000 HP. Can break blocks. Summons normal mobs and elites from what you have met in p1 (before Silver Construct) of this dungeon. Summons Echoes of Oblivion at 50% HP.
  • Inner/Outer Unnatural Force - Either inner or outer half of the arena is covered by cyan particles during the charge time of 3 seconds, deals 90 magic damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other half of the arena.
  • Temporal Rift - 6 blocks radius of yellow circles surround each player during the charge time of 4 seconds. The circle turns red and becomes stationary at the end of charge, last for 5 seconds, deals 60 magic damage to the player who is in 3 blocks radius from center of it (or 30 magic damage to the player who isn't in that radius), and pulls the player toward to the center.
  • Suspended Bolt - 5 blocks radius of red circles target at each player's positions and stay, deals 50 magic damage to players in range 2 seconds after, with 5 shots total during the charge time of 6 seconds.
  • Sundial Slash - 9 blocks long (4.5 blocks on each side) of yellow hourglass-shaped particles follows and rotates 30 degrees clockwise per second around the boss for 7 seconds, deals 60 melee damage to players in range.


  • 19000 HP. Can break blocks. Summons normal mobs and elites from what you have met in p1 (before Silver Construct) of this dungeon. Summons Echoes of Oblivion at 50% HP.
  • Marching Fates - 2 invulnerable glowing mobs appear at Northern and Southern of the arena, slowly move toward center. If any one of the fates reaches the center or overlap with each other, clears the effeft of Stasis, Voodoo Bounds, any Damage Resistance higher than 40%, and Invulnerable, sets HP to 0 and deals 10,000 true damage to all players. They can only be moved by Turning Back Time. All fates are disabled at 20% HP.
  • Winding Up / Shatter - Casted every 10% HP the boss loses (exception for 50% / 20% / 10%). Orasomn gains 90% damage reduction and cancels all abilities currently being charged. Covers the entire arena in an "x" or "+" shape with white particles during the charge time of 6 seconds, deals 100 blast damage and upward knockback at the end of charge, marks the player's current position with a small green circle. Followed by Turning Back Time immediately.
  • Turning Back Time - 5 blocks radius of gray circles surround each player during the charge time of 6 seconds. Teleports each player and all mobs in range back to the small green circle marked by Winding Up at the end of charge. Orasomn loses the 90% damage reduction given by Winding Up.
  • Doomsday Clock - Casted at 30% HP, disabled at 1% HP. 25 blocks long red wall builds northward from the center of the arena within 5 seconds (doesn't deal damage to players at the stage), slowly rotates clockwise at the end of charge, deals 150 magic damage to player in range.
  • Sands of Time - Orasomn teleports to each quadrant in a random ordor, floating and glowing as in either red or blue for 2 second (twice for red and twice for blue in total) to mark that quadrant. After all 4 quadrants are marked, Orasomn teleports to middle in the air, deals 80 magic damage to the 2 quadrants marked with red first, and deals the same damage to the 2 quadrants marked with blue 4 seconds after. Players been hitten by this skill will be given a custom effect of Root.
  • Inner/Outer Unnatural Force - Either inner or outer half of the arena is covered by cyan particles during the charge time of 3 seconds, deals 80 magic damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other half of the arena.
  • Temporal Rift - 6 blocks radius of yellow circles surround each player during the charge time of 4 seconds. The circle turns red and becomes stationary at the end of charge, last for 5 seconds, deals 60 magic damage to the player who is in 3 blocks radius from center of it (or 30 magic damage to the player who isn't in that radius), and pulls the player toward to the center.
  • Suspended Bolt - 5 blocks radius of red circles target at each player's positions and stay, deals 50 magic damage to players in range 2 seconds after, with 3 shots total during the charge time of 6 seconds.
  • Sundial Slash - 9 blocks long (4.5 blocks on each side) of yellow hourglass-shaped particles follows and rotates 30 degrees clockwise per second around the boss for 7 seconds, deals 60 melee damage to players in range.


  • 24500 HP. Can break blocks. Summons normal mobs and elites from what you have met in p1 (before Silver Construct) of this dungeon. Summons Echoes of Oblivion at 50% HP.
  • Marching Fates - 4 invulnerable glowing mobs appear at Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western of the arena, slowly move toward center. If any one of the fates reaches the center or overlap with each other, clears the effeft of Stasis, Voodoo Bounds, any Damage Resistance higher than 40%, and Invulnerable, sets HP to 0 and deals 10,000 true damage to all players. They can only be moved by Turning Back Time. All fates are disabled at 20% HP.
  • Winding Up / Shatter - Casted every 10% HP the boss loses (exception for 50% / 20% / 10%). Orasomn gains 90% damage reduction and cancels all abilities currently being charged. Covers the entire arena in an "x" or "+" shape with white particles during the charge time of 6 seconds, deals 100 blast damage and upward knockback at the end of charge, marks the player's current position with a small green circle. Followed by Turning Back Time immediately.
  • Turning Back Time - 5 blocks radius of gray circles surround each player during the charge time of 6 seconds. Teleports each player and all mobs in range back to the small green circle marked by Winding Up at the end of charge. Orasomn loses the 90% damage reduction given by Winding Up.
  • Doomsday Clock - Casted at 75%/30% HP, disabled at 55% / 1% HP. 25 blocks long red wall builds northward from the center of the arena within 5 seconds (doesn't deal damage to players at the stage), slowly rotates clockwise at the end of charge, deals 150 magic damage to player in range.
  • Sands of Time - Orasomn teleports to each quadrant in a random ordor, floating and glowing as in either red or blue for 1 second (twice for red and twice for blue in total) to mark that quadrant. After all 4 quadrants are marked, Orasomn teleports to middle in the air, deals 120 magic damage to the 2 quadrants marked with red first, and deals the same damage to the 2 quadrants marked with blue 4 seconds after. Players been hitten by this skill will be given a custom effect of Root. This skill will no longer been casted after reaching 20% HP.
  • Inner/Outer Unnatural Force - Either inner or outer half of the arena is covered by cyan particles during the charge time of 3 seconds, deals 150 magic damage to players in range at the end of charge. Another 3 seconds after, deals the same damage to the other half of the arena.
  • Temporal Rift - 6 blocks radius of yellow circles surround each player during the charge time of 4 seconds. The circle turns red and becomes stationary at the end of charge, last for 5 seconds, deals 60 magic damage to the player who is in 3 blocks radius from center of it (or 30 magic damage to the player who isn't in that radius), and pulls the player toward to the center.
  • Suspended Bolt - 5 blocks radius of red circles target at each player's positions and stay, deals 80 magic damage to players in range 2 seconds after, with 5 shots total during the charge time of 6 seconds.
  • Sundial Slash - 9 blocks long (4.5 blocks on each side) of yellow hourglass-shaped particles follows and rotates 30 degrees clockwise per second around the boss for 7 seconds, deals 60 melee damage to players in range.
  • Rewrite History - Casted at 25% / 15% HP. Charges for 5 seconds. Lower every in-fight player's max HP to 80% / 60% at the end of charge.
  • Midnight Toll - Casted at 20% / 10% HP. For the 1st charge, charges for 5 seconds, deals 80 magic damage at the end of charge; For the 2nd charge, charges for 15 seconds, clears the effeft of Stasis and Voodoo Bounds, deals 99,999,999 magic damage at the end of charge.

Echoes of Oblivion

Mob type: Wither Skeleton (Smite); Attack stuns sheild for 10 seconds.

Aggro: Respects hard aggro, change aggro to the player casted Thunderstep to.

    • Thunderstep - A white wall start from itself to a random player. Deals ?/? damage to the players who stand in the range of the wall upon casted.
    • Lightning Strike - Small red circle targets at player's position and stay. Deals ?/? damage to the player who still in the range shortly after.
    • Tips: Yeigar's movement speed is slower than most of the mobs in Orasomn fight, and its abilities are easy to dodge. You could choose inbeteen ignore it totally or kill it.