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Dungeons are long, difficult areas that need to be unlocked by exploring and discovering the entrances out in the world of Monumenta. There are currently 22 dungeons in the game, 9 of them being in the first region, the King's Valley, 10 in the second region, the Celsian Isles, and 3 in the third region, the Architect's Ring.

Dungeon Lobbies

Each dungeon is accessed from its own Dungeon Lobby. Each lobby takes the same form, with variants for each dungeon (temple feel for Halls of Wind and Blood, leafy area for The Black Willows, and so on).

Dungeon lobbies are accessed using teleporters located at the end of certain points of interest or hidden in the overworld.

Dungeon lobbies can also be accessed using capital teleporters. Those teleporters are unlocked by accessing the lobby once using the teleporter in the POI, completion of the associated dungeon quest.

Inside lobbies are:

  • One ender chest
  • Three dungeon key sellers
  • One information NPC (highly recommended for new players to speak with them)
  • Three Gate Guardians
  • One Fragment Station
  • One Rare Trader (displays trades after 1 completion of the dungeon)

Dungeon Access

Dungeons are accessed on an "instanced" basis. This means that each player or group of players has their own version of the dungeon, which others cannot affect without being deliberately added to that "instance" of the dungeon. There are several important mechanics about this system:

  • Players may only have access to one instance of each dungeon at a time.
  • They may come and go from this instance at will and it will not be affected by players outside the group when they are away.
  • Any opened instance will automatically persist through two weekly updates. It will be closed during the third weekly update since it was opened, and any players inside it will be ejected. Thusly, players have between two and three weeks to complete an instance of a dungeon after opening it.
  • They may abandon an instance at the Gatekeeper NPC inside your instance's lobby if it has persisted through at least one weekly update.
  • New players may only be added to instances that have not persisted through any weekly updates - commonly called "week one" instances.
  • In effect, this means that players may run each dungeon up to once a week, but may take as long as 3 weeks for any given instance of a dungeon.

Ephemeral Corridors and Darkest Depths are an exception to many of these rules. For that dungeon, there are no limitations on weekly instances. However, when an instance is left, it closes and a fresh instance must be opened.

Only one key is required for each instance of a dungeon.

Dungeon Lootrooms

Each dungeon possesses a lootroom, except for Malevolent Reverie.

These rooms are accessed at the end of a dungeon, and by using a determined trigger, which in most cases are pressure plates. The end "trigger" will usually be marked with a message saying to activate the trigger.

The first time a player enters the lootroom of a wool dungeon, the player gets rewarded with a Skill Point or a Specialization Point depending on the dungeon. A player will only get a skill or specialization point from their first clear of a dungeon.

Each lootroom possesses 4 randomized loot chests, with at least one rare item being guaranteed. There are exceptions to this; Ephemeral Corridors only has a guaranteed rare on Classic mode and Echoes of Oblivion only has a guaranteed rare with all keys collected. City of Shifting Waters includes an additional fifth chest that can only have filler and Shifting lore items, guaranteed at least one. Forsworn Sanctum and The Fallen Forum don't have loot chests, but instead have an NPC give a loot chest to the player similarly to a bounty chest. Darkest Depths and Silver Knight's Tomb has no chests and instead dumps loot in the center of the room based on a score unique to the dungeon. Each Lootroom will also have a chest containing the dungeons trophy item. In the case of Wool Dungeons, a fleecy box, typical of CTMs, is present and contains the wool required for the monument.

Most dungeons without a dedicated player cap have 8 total lootrooms, ensuring each unique player up to 8 in that instance gets their own. Note that The Black Willows and Ephemeral Corridors only have a single lootroom.

Dungeon Types

Wool Dungeons

Wool dungeons are the biggest and most dangerous areas in the world of Monumenta. Upon completing a wool dungeon, you obtain a specific wool block as well as a bunch of powerful loot. After beating all wool dungeons of a region, you gain access to the next region. The first region, The King's Valley, contains 5 wool dungeons in total, the second region, The Celsian Isles, contains 7, and the third region, The Architect's Ring, currently contains 2. Whenever you complete a wool dungeon for the first time, you also gain a Skill Point, a Specialization Point, an Enhancement Point, or Charm Slots, all depending on the dungeon.

Bonus Dungeons

Bonus dungeons are a type of dungeon mainly meant for the gathering of loot, and as such do not give skill points. They often contain loot with high tiers and an exclusive set of rares. Alchemy Labs, The Black Willows, City of Shifting Waters, and Darkest Depths are considered bonus dungeons.

Raid Dungeons

Raid dungeons are more challenging than, but similar to, bonus dungeons. These dungeons do not reward a skill point but contain high-tier loot chests and dangerous enemies. While they can be completed solo, they are balanced around teams of players. The Malevolent Reverie, The Fallen Forum, and Silver Knight's Tomb fall under this category.

List of Wool Dungeons

Region 1 (King's Valley)

Region 2 (Celsian Isles)

Region 3 (Architect's Ring)

List of Other Dungeons

Region 1 (King's Valley)

Region 2 (Celsian Isles)

Region 3 (Architect's Ring)

Dungeon Delves

Main article: Dungeon Delves

Dungeon Delves are harder versions of Monumenta's dungeons that become available to players after they meet specific requirements. The standard wool dungeons (White-Purple) are unlocked when the player has completed the Monument of the dungeon's region. Other delves are typically locked behind completion of a specific quest. Completion of Dungeon Delves allows players access to a wide array of unique rewards.