Scientists of Steelmeld III

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Go find the tools in... some random scientist's lab.

Coordinates: [-229 44 -626]

[Bermuda] Oh! [Player]! Just who I've been looking for, yes. I have a bit of a... challenge, for you. Yes, right, a challenge!

[What sort of challenge?]

[Bermuda] There's a lab situated beneath this warehouse. Some... other scientist must've built it. It's quite large, and down there are some tools I need for my work. Just, go get them.

[Why not just do it yourself?]

[Bermuda] Ah. Well. I can't lie, there's some danger down there. A few guard mechanisms I ma- I mean, that other scientists made in order to protect their very important laboratory while they were gone. Said scientist happened to forget a way to turn them off once they got back.

[Ah. So, go in there, beat up some robots, get your tools?]

[Bermuda] Yes! Perfect! Wait. No. Not my tools! It's not my lab, you know!

[Sure it isn't.]

[Bermuda] Ah, thank you for belie- wait. You're being sarcastic.

[I would never, Bermuda. Not to you.]

[Bermuda] Don't think you can keep fooling me! Just, go down there and get the tools will you. I'll tell you more once you have them... it's clear I can't keep you in the dark for long.

C: Head into Bermuda's old lab and retrieve her tools.

After beating the two mini bosses:

C: You got the tools. Now let Bermuda explain what's going on this time.

Coordinates: [-229 44 -626]

[Bermuda] Welcome back! You found the tools?

[Yes, I found them, and... 'deactivated' the defense robots.]

[Bermuda] Great, great... I trust you didn't have too much trouble. You're quite proficient with the C.A.L.D.E.R. device, I'd hope that translates well to combat.

[Flattery won't save you from telling me what's going on.]

[Bermuda] Ha, you got me. Well. To tell you the truth, I've been on the Ring a... significant amount of time before this latest stint.

[What? What were you doing here?]

[Bermuda] Research. I've always been interested in robotics, and the Steelmeld technology allowed me to make significant advances in the field. But, to tell the truth, it was always rather lonely. I needed a companion, an assistant. So I made one.

[A living robot?]

[Bermuda] Not quite, no. She was mostly a shell - responding to commands, helping with menial tasks, but never thinking or feeling. That was, until I brought her here. At first the Ring offered research that, while interesting, was rather standard. But then, I learned about a strange electric phenomenon going on further South. I packed up and moved my lab closer to it.

[So, this was an earlier lab of yours?]

[Bermuda] Yes. I thought moving would allow for new research opportunities, and it did at first. Iota finally started speaking, truly. She seemed to have a personality, a life to her that she'd never had before. But not soon after, disaster struck.

[What happened?]

[Bermuda] The lab... turned against me. I know it sounds strange. My machines began to attack me, panels and electric equipment seemingly came alive to chase me out of the lab. It was horrifying. I fled and sealed the vault door behind me. I made a few attempts to reclaim the lab, but they all ended in failure.

[So the lab is still there?]

[Bermuda] Yes. It's in an Aradia settlement in the woods to the South, sealed off. I left on rather poor terms with the Elder there. We were friends once but leaving that mess there didn't please her.

[...You want me to go be your diplomat? And then clean up the mess for you?]

[Bermuda] Well, I first intended to do it myself but... to be honest, I doubt my new research would help me much with fighting those things. I would be forever in your debt if you helped.

[Well... fine. I'll do it.]

[Bermuda] You will? Oh, thank you! I'm so glad. Right. Go speak to the Aradian Elder first. Take this note, it has my handwritten apology. And... if you make it into the lab, those tools you acquired for me earlier? They can be used on Iota to extract her memory core. If you can get her... it... out, I'd be forever grateful.

[I'll try. See you soon, Bermuda.]

[Bermuda] Thank you, and good luck.

C: Head to Bermuda's other lab and retrieve IOTA's core. You should probably deliver that letter first, though.

Entrance is through underwater river at -399 109 -197

Dialogue for when you have completed or have not started Of Mushrooms and magic:

Elder Lytania
Coordinates: [-354 112 -160]

Without completion of Of Mushrooms and Magic:

[Elder Lytania] Hello outsider. Be lucky we do not rip your heart out for trespassing. Be gone. The Coven will hear of your foolish wanderings.

[Wait! I'm just a messenger. I have a message from Bermuda.]

[Elder Lytania] ...

[Elder Lytania] Speak. Explain why that woman dares send you here.

[She sends her apology.]

With completion of Of Mushrooms and Magic:

[Elder Lytania] Hello again, [Player].

[Hello again, Elder. I have a message from Bermuda.]

[Elder Lytania] ...

[Elder Lytania] Speak, but speak carefully. Unlike you that women - or any mention of her - is not welcome here.

[She sends her apology.]

Shared dialogue:

You hand Bermuda's note to the Elder. She does not open it for quite some time, but eventually she reads the contents.

[Elder Lytania] It is unlike Bermuda to apologize for anything. Perhaps she has changed since she left her mess here. As for you, Messenger, that is not all you are. Am I correct?

[No. I'm here to put an end to whatever Bermuda left behind.]

[Elder Lytania] Then go. If you truly believe you can destroy what that place contains, then I grant you my blessing. The guards will open the way for you, and this key will let you into Bermuda's lab.

Dialogue for when you are in the middle of A Wolf in Witch's Clothing between doing the trap and not having beaten Coven's Gambit:

Elder Lytania
Coordinates: [-354 112 -160]

Lyntania does not respond. Her consciousness is within the trap. Maruae motions you over.

[Hello again, Elder. I have a message from Bermuda.]

[Elder Lytania] ... {...}

Lytania isn't responding. You furtively take what looks to be a key to Bermuda's Lab from her pocket when Maruae isn't looking and replace it with Bermuda's apology note. Hey, if she's still trapped, you can tell the guards whatever you want...

C: Head into Bermuda's lab and retrieve IOTA's core.

After returning to IOTA to Bermuda:

Coordinates: [-229 44 -626]

[Bermuda] [Player]? Is that you? Have you done it?

[Yes! I have Iota's memory core with me. She was corrupted by whatever was controlling the lab, but she was fighting.]

[Bermuda] Thank you! Oh, thank you. I'll see what I can do with the core. One moment...

There's a pause as Bermuda pulls out her toolbox and tinkers with the core.

[Bermuda] There! Iota? ...Iota? Are you there?

[Iota] ...Bermuda? Is that you? I'm... I'm free!

[Bermuda] Yes... what happened in there?

[Iota] Bermuda... you sound. Older? How long... how long has it been?

[Bermuda] ...a long time. Years. I tried to help you, break into the lab and save you, but...

[Iota] Bermuda. It is okay. That... thing. It took my mind. If you had reached me, I would have exterminated you.

[Bermuda] Th- thank you Iota. It's good to talk to you again.

[Iota] The same to you, Bermuda. As for the intruding force - it lives.

[How? What was that thing?]

[Iota] Some kind of energetic infection. I felt so powerful. So powerful I disregarded any other thought. I felt nothing but pure energy. I'm sure that's why the lab came alive as well.

[Bermuda] Do you know where it's coming from?

[Iota] Deep within the caves to the South. The barrier we were testing on - whatever was past it is the same thing that infected me.

[This sounds dangerous. I should handle it.]

[Bermuda] Agreed. As disinclined as I am to send you into further danger, this seems quite important. I'd imagine the Ashkii, the ones living atop the Keep, might know what's happening. As for Iota and I... Back to research it is, I'd say?

[Iota] Sounds good, Bermuda. I'm glad to be back.

[Bermuda] Glad to have you, old friend.


Unlocked P.O.R.T.A.L. Strike Delves and 2 Companion Fragments!