City of Shifting Waters

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City of Shifting Waters is one of the many dungeons found in the Celsian Isles. Similarly to Ephemeral Corridors, the layout of the dungeon is procedurally generated, resulting in a different dungeon every instance.

WARNING: The City of Shifting Waters is still bugged. Players are advised to complete the dungeon in a single sitting to avoid instance corruption. Allowing the dungeon to unload, either by disconnection or switching shards, has a chance of causing random chunks to be replaced with bedrock. This has experimentally been observed to happen each time the area is unloaded. Players are advised to stay in the instance until completion if solo, and otherwise keep at least one person in the instance at all times. Note that daily server restarts occur at 5:00 am UTC / 1:00 am EST / 10:00 pm PST, forcing all players offline.


To gain access to the dungeon, the player must complete the Fred's Bizarre Adventure quest, as the entrance POI is only available during and after the quest. To unlock delves, the player must complete the quest The Stone Ocean, started after completing the dungeon at least once and talking to Fred in the dungeon lobby.


"Deep below Steelmeld lies a vast network of caverns. A city long since forgotten to time lies within, but something is strange here. The caverns twist and contort, constantly changing the way they connect. Those who have found their way into these tunnels are doomed to become lost as the city changes around them. But what caused this city to become like this, this protean venezia? What could have its former inhabitants have done to cause such an odd circumstance? Travel with caution, as you never know what might lie ahead. Secrets often do not die. They only fester, and twist your Reality."



Upon the first entry to the dungeon, multiple messages in chat will inform the player on the generation of the dungeon. It will mention the amount of regular rooms, utility rooms, and dead ends. Once fully generated, the entrance will be unblocked and the player will be granted access to the dungeon.

Finishing the Dungeon

The ending to the dungeon is a medium-sized symmetrical room with an entrance (or dead end) on all sides. In the middle are staircases leading into an end portal, which will drop the player in the reward room. However, at first, the portal will be surrounded by a large glass orb and a poem will be messaged to the player every time they enter the room:

Old echoes wash this shallow tomb

Where sins lay bare to see

A doorway locked beyond the glass

Through crystals, numbered three

To remove the orb, the player must find the 3 end crystals located throughout the dungeon and destroy them.

The dampened sound of what seems to be a magic explosion echoes through the watery tunnels.

Shifting Crystals

Occasionally in the loot chests, the player may find a Shifting Crystal. These are a special currency that can be traded at an NPC sometimes found in the dungeon for many special items, including the Conduit Key used to open vaults. Two Shifting Crystals are also used to purchase the summoning item for Hekawt.

Utility Rooms

Four utility rooms typically generate in an instance. These can contain challenges with loot rewards if the player succeeds, lore rooms, special music discs, or other utilities. The following are the odds a particular room generates in an instance.[1]

Bow Challenge 40.3%
Parkour Challenge 37.9%
Miniboss 39.8%
City Disc 19.5%
Lush Disc 20.2%
Water Disc 18.5%
Water Room (full of loot) 23.8%
City Lore Room 17.4%
Lush Lore Room 19.6%
Water Lore Room 15.6%
"Stay Out" Lore Room 26.8%
Choice Room 24.7%
Teleport Room 24.8%
Cornifer NPC 38.0%
The Vault 33.2%

Choice Room

Get a choice between 3 repair anvils, , absorption II buff for the rest of the dungeon, or 3 loot chests.

Cornifer NPC

Rarely, an NPC named Cornifer can generate within the dungeon. This is the NPC the Shifting Crystals can be traded at. The most sought-out trades are the Conduit Key (24 Shifting Crystals) and the Battle Tendency shield, which will only appear when the required items are in the player's inventory.

The Vault

One of the utility rooms available is a large two-entranced room with grass and flora. At the end of the room is a large vault door and a dropper. Putting a vault key into the dropper will open the door and grant access to the loot within the vault. Some loot includes a Golden Disc and specific relics that depends on the difficulty of the dungeon (Phasing Chestplate in a normal instance and Blackthread Boots in a delve instance).

Challenge Rooms

Some rooms present a challenge for the player. These can be timed parkour or archery challenges, or a miniboss. Completing these challenges grants access to a room with multiple chests. The player only gets one chance to complete the challenge, so running out of time or dying will permanently lock the loot.




  1. Posted in #change-logs on Discord. (9th Sept 2021 changelog)