Silent Knight

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Coordinates: [-387, 119, -206]

[Gertrude] Excuse me? Are you Lytania's new ally? Have you seen my cat anywhere? She's been missing for ages now...

[I'll keep my eyes peeled.]

[Gertrude] Could you perhaps do me a favor and go check in Ravenna? It's nearly Silvernalia and I simply can't celebrate without her.

[What's Silvernalia?]

[Gertrude] Silvernalia is our celebration of the coming Winter. When the snow falls and the sky grows darker, we offer celebration to the world itself. Somehow the Silver part of the name stuck, I guess.

[Interesting. Well, I'm feeling festive. I'll help! How can I get back to Ravenna?]

[Gertrude] Well now that everything has settled down and the Coven has been pacified under Hycenea, I hear there's a secret portal behind Lytania's desk. Try there?


Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Compass.png  : Silent Knight: Find the hidden portal into Ravenna.

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2067 182 -2712]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

Mister Stinky leaps out of your arms as you try to grab her and flees. Where could she have gone?!

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2122 174 -2711]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

Mister Stinky leaps out of your arms again as you try to grab her and flees. Where could she have gone?! What a stinky cat!

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2143 150 -2754]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

Mister Stinky leaps out of your arms again as you try to grab her and flees. Where could she have gone?! What a stinky cat!

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2185 147 -2694]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

Mister Stinky leaps out of your arms again as you try to grab her and flees. Where could she have gone?! What a stinky cat!

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2170 174 -2715]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

Mister Stinky leaps out of your arms again as you try to grab her and flees. Where could she have gone?! What a stinky cat!

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2140 135 -2719]

[Mister Stinky] Meowww!

The sopping wet cat tries to swim out of your grasp, but is far less agile underwater. At least she won't be as stinky after this bath! You grab her and head for the surface. You should warm yourself and the cat up by the fire above you.

Compass.png  : Silent Knight: Bring Mister Stinky to the fire to warm up.

Mister Stinky
Coordinates: [2136 147 -2716]

[Mister Stinky] Purr...

Mister Stinky seems a lot more content warming here by the fire. You let her relax for a bit, then scoop her up so you can take her back to Gertrude. Why is she called Mister Stinky anyway?

Compass.png  : Silent Knight: Leave Ravenna and bring Mister Stinky back to Gertrude.

Compass.png  : Silent Knight: Bring Mister Stinky back to Gertrude.

Coordinates: [-387, 119, -206]

[Gertrude] Have you found my cat yet?

[I have! She's right here!]

Silent Knight: Bring Mister Stinky back to Gertrude.

[Gertrude] Mister Stinky! Oh you sweet girl, I've missed you so much.

[She was quite a challenge to catch.]

[Gertrude] I can only imagine. Mister Stinky is quite an evasive critter this time of year... but I'm so glad she's home. Thank you. I don't have much, but I'd like to offer you this festive snow globe as thanks. Happy Silvernalia, Muxtiny!


Awarded the Silent Knight snowglobe!