Silver Knight Sevvet

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Story & Lore

Silver Knight Sevvet is a silver who succesefully contained Orasomn (Teal) with the help from Vaessini (the Crimson King) as well as bringing down the Isharist capital, after which he was given a burial for his services (though he does not cease operation until the releasing of Orasomn). After the events of the Tomb of Time & Silver Knight's Tomb - Story Mode, he deems he has no more work to be done and seems to have permanently shutdown.


Silver Knight Sevvet can be found at the end of story mode when you 1st clear it or through a doorway in the Silver Knight's Tomb - Story Mode lobby on the right (-2036, 104, -1471). To exit you can take Silver Knight Sevvet's portal or press the button from the side you came from.


Dissolvi Ombre + 6 Silver Remnant Abisso Ancestrale
Tenebris + 6 Silver Remnant Memoria Ancestrale
Riftbolt Stave + 6 Silver Remnant Timerift Stave
Bastion of Isharist + 6 Silver Remnant Remnants of Isharist
24 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring + 64 Silver Remnant Worldshaper's Loom