Silver Skinned

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Assist Fred with his continued research into the shifting city.

Coordinates: [-717, 9, -169]

[Fred] Oh, [Player], hello! Welcome back to Breachpoint! I'm honestly surprised you stuck around here.

  • [I was just stopping back in... Have you made any progress with your research?]
    • [Fred] You'd think I'd have something new to show from when you dealt with Hekawt, but... still stuck, I'm afraid. The Doorway at the Breachpoint has proven... unhelpful, to say the least. {...}
    • [Fred] For the meantime, I've made the executive decision to redirect my focus towards the shifting city itself. There's plenty more we still don't know about the place, and it's likely our best front to search as any for answers about the doorways.
  • [Is there anything I can do to help?]
    • [Fred] On any other day I'd say "probably not," but today's your lucky day! Since you happen to be in Breachpoint, I need you to check something out for me. We've been... irresponsibly using Breachpoint as an overfill point for research material that has been gathered from the shifting city. {...}
    • [Fred] I was actually just about to head over and start sorting through it all right before you dinged - see if there's anything interesting, you know. Another set of hands would definitely be appreciated, if you don't mind sticking around there for a bit.
  • [Sure, I can do that.]
    • [Fred] Excellent. Well, get yourself prepared and meet me down in the submarine docking station! I'll be heading that way shortly!

C: Head down to Breachpoint's submarine landing station to meet Fred.

Coordinates: [-734, 4, -164]

[Fred] Ah, nothing like a good underwater journey to really get the blood flowing!

  • [Wouldn't you be cramped in that thing?]
    • [Fred] Irrelevant! Now then, are you ready to get started?
  • [Sure, let's go.]
    • [Fred] Follow me then!

You follow Fred through some hallways that you aren't even sure you knew existed...

Coordinates: [missing]

[Fred] Here we are! The overfill supply room...

  • [I'd like to head back out.]
    • [missing]
  • [It's a bit of a mess in here...]
    • [Fred] Oh, it's always like that. Someday someone will probably get sick of it and clean it all up themselves, but until then we'll just have to deal with it. {...}
    • [Fred] Anyway... We're looking for any written records or artifacts stored in these here - anything that looks like it might give us new information on the city. Let me know if you find anything of note.

C: Search the storage unit and report anything you find to Fred.

Coordinates: [missing]

[Fred] Have you found anything of note?

  • [I found this old journal in one of the crates.]
    • [Fred] Let me take a look at this... {...}
    • [Fred] Holy smokes! This journal is ancient, older than any other writings we've found! [player], do you know what this means?!
  • [I feel like I should by this point, but... no?]
    • [Fred] This may very well be an account from the founding of the city. Or, around that time, at least.
  • It mentioned the Silver Knights... I wonder what they were doing here.]
    • [Fred] Hm? Silver Knights? I'm not familiar.
  • [They... were a fairly powerful group in the past. They're responsible for the Monument in Steelmeld.]
    • [Fred] Fascinating. Well, it seems it's in both of our interests to recover the remaining pieces of this journal! But where to start our search... hm.
  • [If one popped up in here, maybe we'll find more in the shifting city?]
    • [Fred] Hm... You may be right on that. I can keep searching through what we have here, but we may need to send you into the city so you can search for— {...}
    • [???] Fred? Are you down here? <Color template incorrectly used. Please see Template:Color for usage.>
    • [Fred] Huh. Is that you, Bermuda? Yes, I’m down here in storage. Do you need something? {...}
    • [Professor Bermuda] Good, there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. {...}
    • [Fred] And to what do I owe that honor... {...}

SILVER SKINNED COMPLETE! Awarded an Irrus' Brace and the ability to re-enter the Shifting Amalgam POI!