Starriest Night

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Coordinates: [-1630, 143, -2]

[Maywitch] Well, hello there! I'm quite surprised someone found me in this maze of a city.

  • [Hello. What are you doing up here?]
    • [Maywitch] Me? Nothing suspicious, mind you. I'm... stargazing. At least trying to. It's a difficult task, especially when your telescope is all sorts of broken.
    • [Your telescope is broken? Mind if I take a look? I have quite a history with these devices.]
    • [Maywitch] I... wow, yeah, you seem like someone who knows what they're doing. Actually...
    • She gazes towards the sky for a short moment, before looking back at you. She continues with a slight hesitance..
    • [Maywitch] I think I wouldn't mind if you help me a little. See, I need calibration tools. Rather unusual calibration tools, found in unusual places.
      • [I'm all ears.]
        • [Maywitch] Alright, good. Glad I didn't scare you off. So, first I'll need a Cloudpiercer Fork from Cloud Piercer, then I'll need...
        • A sudden numbness overwhelms you, your vision clouds up, and a sinister sound rings in your head.
        • [Maywitch] ...Starblight Diagonal from Bastion of Spires, and an Andromeda Clamp from Aphelion Isle. Those'll be enough.
          • [I... Yes. I got it.]
            • [Maywitch] Perfect! You're really helping me out here. I'll be able to stargaze again very soon!
          • [I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling too well... I'll come back later.]
            • [Maywitch] Fine... Come back when you feel better, I'll remind you what you need to bring.
      • [Unusual places? I have a bad record with those. I'd better stay out of this place.]
        • [Maywitch] Alright. Just let me know if you change your mind.
  • [I wandered up here by accident, I'll be going now.]
    • [Maywitch] Okay then...

[1/4]: Find a Cloudpiercer Fork at Cloud Piercer.

[2/4]: Find a Starblight Diagonal at Bastion of Spires.

[3/4]: Find an Andromeda Clamp on Aphelion Isle.

[4/4]: Once you found all items, return to Maywitch in Oceangate.

Cloudpiercer Fork can be found at [-1538, 133, -266].

Starblight Diagonal can be found at [-1366, 140, -261].

Andromeda Clamp can be found at [-1518, 106, 399].


[Maywitch] You came back, I see. Do you have the tools?

[I do. They almost cost me my life. I probably even died a couple of times... Here, take them.]]

[Maywitch] At least your sense of humor is still alive and well. Anyway, thanks for bringing these to me. Now, I just need to stitch them together...

She reaches her hand into her pocket, searching for something.

[Maywitch] Just a moment, please...

Moments later, she pulls a strange blue adhesive out of her pocket.

[Maywitch] There it is! Now, put some around the base... like that... yes, then another round...

That clearly is not the way it should look.

[Maywitch] Damn it. I can't do this. I can't leave the telescope either. Sorry, but I must ask for your help again. Please, I need you to go to Orion. He is a... friend of mine, so to speak. Seek out a spire near an abandoned laboratory filled with toxins, he should be at the top.

Find Orion at the top of a strange spire-like structure near the Toxin Lab.

Coordinates: [-1188, 120, 179]

[Orion] The stars spoke to me again. They said you would come to see me.

[Uh huh. Right, the stars. I assume the stars also told you why I'm here?]

[Orion] I know why. She sent you, I know that too. Give me the parts, I shall unite them.

  • [This is weird. You're weird. And scary. I'd better go.]
    • [Orion] The sky yearns to be set free. You will come back...

[(Give him the parts)]

He takes the parts from your hands. With an unbelievable subtlety, he pieces them together, forming a strange device and gives it back to you.

[Orion] Now, go forth and behold the depths.

Return to Maywitch with the device.


[Maywitch] Hello! I assume you've visited Orion?

[That I did. Here's your mechanism, repaired.]]

She puts the mechanism into a side panel of the telescope.

[Maywitch] Finally! I'm able to stargaze once again! Let me fix it real quick.

[Is it working?]]

[Maywitch] Yes, indeed!

She moves over to the telescope and peeks through it.

[Maywitch] And the beacon has been lit. Aurora is close, I can almost feel it.

[What? Aurora? I... Mind if I look too?]]

[Maywitch] Ugh, yes, I suppose you can, you've helped me after all..

[(Look into the telescope)]]

[???] Follow the lights. Let your soul embrace the stars, or be forever submerged in an eternal nightmare.

[???] Let them wander...

[???] Beyond the realm...

[???] The skies will open...

[???] The herald's voice must be heard...

[???] Embrace the stars...


[Maywitch] You okay there? You look like you've seen something terrifying.

[What... what happened? What was that?]

[Maywitch] Hm? So you did see something? That's intriguing... Tell me, what did you see?

[I was here and... I suddenly found myself in a dark place, alone on a small floating isle, surrounded by nothing but boid.]

[Maywitch] That's all?

[No, I had to walk through the endless nothingness towards a huge temple, and a strange voice echoed in my ears, saying ominous things.]

[Maywitch] What happened then? Did you reach the end?

[I did. I strangely felt pulled towards a light, and I jumped into it.]

[Maywitch] Strange things happen all the time with the stars, [Player]. What matters is what you do with the visions.

[Maywitch] This is... not something to be taken lightly. You need to see it yourself. The beacon has been lit, I can finally see. Head towards its fumes northeast of here, this is a sign [Player]

She sighs.

[Where exactly am I heading?]

[Maywitch] A lone isle north-west of Sierhaven. I heard the King sent an expedition there... I don't know what to expect, but stay on your guard.

Head towards the strange island in the northern parts of Narsen Sea.

Professor Marl
Coordinates: [-1077, 83, -353]

[Professor Marl] Hm... the door looks very old... it seems that this crypt was built way before our expedition to this land... I wonder how long it has been here...

He seems to ignore your presence.

[You must be Professor Marl, right?]

[Professor Marl] Why is it still standing with all those bandits around... perhaps it's something else?

He continues to ignore you.

[*Snap your fingers to get his attention*]

[Professor Marl] Why is it still standing with all those bandits around... perhaps it's something else?

  • [You're Professor Marl, right?]
    • [Professor Marl] That I am! I was born in Sierhaven and studied geology there. For much of my life I traveled across the valley, but that meant putting myself at risk. I eventually retired from field research. For the last five years I have worked in Sierhaven, researching the rocks gathered from the cliffs of the Valley, and helping to train the next generation of geologists.
  • [What is this place?]
    • [Professor Marl] I'm... not sure. When we arrived here, there was nothing but ruins. We had to set up camp and dig through the collapsed basement. That's how we found the gate.
  • [What are you doing here?]
    • [Professor Marl] You must have spotted that small tower on the surface, the one with the fire, the diorite beacon? It has been unlit for decades! While on a mission, one of the scouts spotted that fire and reported it to the king. He sent an expedition to figure out what caused the change.
      • [And then you found this door?]
        • [Professor Marl] Exactly! Whatever caused the beacon to light up again, must be behind this door. However, it's locked. We can't go through just yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I'm already developing a solution.

[I need to get inside somehow. Any ideas?]

[Professor Marl] I'm afraid I can't be much of a help there, young one. Not only do we not know how to open it, but the King has also given clear orders - do not let anyone inside.

[Excuse me, Professor, but I really ne--]

Suddenly, you hear a ringing in your head and a bright light envelops you. After a few moments, you find yourself in a strange room.

[???] I... can... see you...

[???] I... am torn... apart...

[???] Broken... beyond repair...

[???] Sent there... From outside... the realm...

[1/2]: Head towards the strange island in the northern parts of Narsen Sea.

[2/2]: What Lies Beneath.

[???] She is seeking to widen the Crack in the Sky and bring the Stars to Land. In their wake, this world will collapse and be no more...

[???] Aurora...

Return to Maywitch with the Shard of Andromeda.


[Maywitch] Oh, it's you, [Player]. Did you find anything?

[I did. I didn't know what happened, but I went to the beacon and then...]

[Maywitch] And then?

[...Something strange happened. I found myself in the void again, a giant temple stood before me.]

[Maywitch] A temple? Interesting...

[Deep inside that temple, I found a dead comet, and this shard inside of it.]

[Maywitch] Fascinating. I never dreamed of seeing a shard of Andromeda... I am eternally grateful, [Player]. Please, take this. Know, that today you helped the stargazers. The blessing of the stars shall be upon you.

STARRIEST NIGHT COMPLETE! Awarded Stargazer's Hood and 32 Concentrated Experience!