Starry Night

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Coordinates: [-118, 110, -12]
[Mayleen] Hi, do you have some free time? My telescope has broken and I have need of assistance. Of course, I will be compensating you for your time.
  • [Sure, I love telescopes!]
    • [Mayleen]Thank you for helping! And here, a fellow lover of the skies deserves these to keep seeing things in the distance!
    • Receive 32 spectral arrows
  • [Sure, I love compensation!]
    • [Mayleen] Thank you for helping! And here, if it is compensation you like, have an advance.
    • Received 16 enchanting bottles
      • [Thank you very much.]
        • [Mayleen] Anyway, I am not from around here and so the guard thought I was a spy and took my telescope lens! A man named Ed offered to get it back, but I could not afford his price. He was down in an alley by the river, would you please talk to him and find a way into the armory?
  • [Some other time.]
    • [Mayleen] I see. That is most alright. Perhaps I will seek out a Star Acolyte to assist me.

[1/3]: Mayleen's telescope lens was taken, but a man named Ed might know a way to get it back. Look for him on the south side of Nyr.

[2/3]: Use the Thief's Guide: Nyr to find a way into the Nyr Armory.

[3/3]: Return to Mayleen once you have the lens.

NOTE: It is optional to buy the Thief's Guide: Nyr from Scarface Ed [-137, 91, -1]. Costs 12 Xp.

To get into the armory.

Press the stone button near the Tavern at at [-124, 96, -116] to open the Armory door. "Confiscated Lens" is inside the chest at [-138, 95, -95].

[Mayleen] This is splendid! You got my lens! I will start repairing the main body while you head downstairs to fix the gearing! When all the lights face towards you, the telescope will be ready.

Mayleen's telescope just needs to be turned now. Align all the lights in her tower to fix the telescope.

Solution to the gear puzzle

  • press gear array 1 button three times.
  • press gear array 2 button two times.
  • press gear array 3 button two times.
  • press gear array 4 button two times.

[Mayleen] Thank you so much! I am eternally grateful for your help, I can now get an excellent view of the skies! As was promised, here is your compensation; spend it wisely.

STARRY NIGHT COMPLETE! Awarded 96 Enchanting Bottles.