The Alchemy Labs (Quest)

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The kingdom needs your help. Speak to Sir Reginald in the castle basement.

Sir Reginald
Coordinates: [-747,95,-85]
[Sir Reginald] Greetings young squire! Were you sent to help stop these rebels?
  • [I'm not a squire]
    • [Sir Reginald] Many pardons. It's a bit hard to see through this old helmet, so I assumed you were a knight in training, come to help defend your city.
  • [Stop them from what?]
    • [Sir Reginald] You haven't heard? Anarchists tried to assassinate the king! The royal guards stopped them, but they fled into the old alchemy labs and found some explosives! They're threatening to blow up part of the castle unless we let them go. It's a most precarious situation, but we need someone to head down there and disable their bombs.
  • [What's down here?]
    • [Sir Reginald] These are the old alchemy labs. Back during the Blackroot War they built bombs for the balloon forces, but afterwards an explosion damaged it and they built the new labs above ground. Because of toxic chemicals it's usually off limits, but as long as you don't drink the water you should be okay.
  • [I'm here to stop them.]
    • [Sir Reginald] Excellent! It's good to see that this new generation of adventurers is as brave and bold as the last!  We believe they are storing all their explosives in one highly defended location. If you can get rid of it and manage to take down their leader, we should be able to capture them. We have set up a staging area for the assault. I can take you there and give you the key to the labs.
      • [I'm ready]
        • [Sir Reginald] Splendid! Good luck young squire!
      • [I need to prepare] 
        • [Sir Reginald] I suppose I understand, but what knight leaves home without their weapons and armor? You should always be prepared!

Fight your way through the Alchemy Labs , destroy their supply of explosives, defeat the rebel leader, and return victorious!

1/3 - Speak to Sir Reginald in the castle basement to get to the Alchemy Labs lobby.

2/3 - If you don't have an Alchemy Labs key, you can buy one from a Gatekeeper.

3/3 - Once you have a key speak to a -_- to enter the dungeon.

Sir Reginald

[Sir Reginald] Haha, fantastic job squire! No, squire is insufficient. It may not be official, but in my mind you are truly a knight.

  • [Now what?]
    • [Sir Reginald] First, I think there are some treasure chests here that demand your attention, haha! But now that those rebels are dealt with, it's up to you. I would suggest finding Vargos in the academy, he will almost certainly have something for you to do. If you grab a quest compass at the town square you can use its right click function to locate him.
  • [How do I leave?]
    • [Sir Reginald] Simple, just look to the right! The button there will take you to the entrance of the Alchemy Labs, and from there you can either leave back to Sierhaven or continue exploring these labs.
  • [What do I do with my Skill Points?]
    • A great question. Head upstairs in the Academy in Sierhaven. Within the rooms for each class you may either train yourself in additional skills or upgrade existing ones that you have.

ALCHEMY LABS COMPLETE! Awarded 64 Enchanting Bottles and a Balanced Adze