The End Chimes

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Find the Black Mist.

Drunken Sailor

The man takes a large swig, then turns towards you.

[Drunken Sailor] Have you heaaard the legend of the Black Missst?

[Hm, no I haven't.]

[Drunken Sailor] Its darrrk sails stalk the edddges of ocean, bringing a cooonstant ssstormmm in its wake. It was leddd by the MIGHTY Captain Varrrcosa.

He gestures dramatically as he speaks, mug sloshing in hand.

[Drunken Sailor] They saaay the ship'sss bells can sti- *hic* still be h-heard, looking fffor their lost master... The man has clearly had too much to drink. He is hard to understand.

[Hey, stay with me now. How could I find it?]

[Drunken Sailor] Hah! As if. The lllast set of FOOLS that wenttt looking for it crashed and SUNK innnto a small cove just w-wwwest of here.

[Drunken Sailor] *hic* But they were the lassst one to have a "pppristine" bell from the ship. So! I'm sure aaany dreams of finding the Blackkk Mist lie at the b-bottom of the ssszzz...

He finally drifts off as his head hits the table, toppling his mug.

[I have to find this...]

[Okay, well I'm gonna ignore that...]


Find the "pppristine bell" in the shipwreck west of Mistport.

Locate the Hollow Chime within the Sunken Ship [-1131, 57, 1601].

Follow the instructions on the Hollow Chime. Find the Grasp and seek out the Captain?

Bring the hollow chime into the Grasp of Avarice, and proceed to the Path of Wonder (Blue Path).

When inside the Grasp of Avarice

Players must defeat Captain Varcosa with the Hollow Chime in their inventory, turning it into the Tide's Chime (note only one chime in each player's inventories will be changed). If Varcosa is dead, a new purple instance will have to be started.

The silent chime has gained its voice. Leave the Grasp and travel to the edge of the world. {Note: Coordinates for this compass do not reflect where you need to go within this dungeon.}

Find the chime, then return to this place. The Captain waits. {Note: Coordinates for this compass do not reflect where you need to go within this dungeon.}

In the Celsian Isles:

Ring the bell at the edge of the world. Any edge will do. One has been handily provided to you on your compass.

[Rhygfar] Who... dares approach the Black Mist? Come aboard and find me on the bow of the ship... or be smitten by the storm!

Speak to Rhygfar.


[Rhygfar] The living... Aboard the Black Mist...? This be not one of the signs...

[Um, hello?]

[Rhygfar] I do not understand. She did not speak of you. You be a piece from some other board. This is not right...

[I don't understand.]

[Rhygfar] No, I suppose ye wouldn't. Take this. You may remain. Her eyes be upon you now. Yes, truly...