The Foreign Soldier

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Seek out information on the Celsian War.


[Vargos] Ah, hello again <Player>! Your timing is quite convenient, I was just speaking to Izzy about you.

[Have you found more information on Calder?]

[I'm sorry about your apprentice.]

[Vargos] Unfortunately no. We have a few leads, but nothing conclusive yet. However, we do still need you for something in the meantime.

[What is it?]

[Izzy] Our reports suggest that both Ishnir and Chillwind royals have gotten word of the exchange of power here in Mistport. That is to say, they've likely got their eyes on you.

[That seems bad.]

[Izzy] Not quite. We could use this as a good opportunity to understand a bit more about the war. Given how much we have to watch our actions due to the conflicts between the nations, we still understand suprisingly little about what those conflicts are over. It's a tense situation, and the smallest action from either side could lead to actual bloodshed.

[So you want me to investigate the war?]

[Vargos] Indeed. We need you get close with some of the more influential citizens of the Isles, those who likely hold information not publicly known. How does that sound to you?

[I'll do it.]

[Not right now.]

[Vargos] Fantastic! I've had our sources compile a list of people who might be the best targets. Seek them out, and see what information you can extract from them.

Seek out the people Vargos has suggested you find.

General Arne

General Arne

-1499, 95, 1031

[General Arne] Good day! The firing range is quite nice today!

[The firing range? You're aiming at the ocean!]

[General Arne] That we are! Can't do much damage to the surrounding areas if we fire out into the ocean, now can we?

[I guess I can't argue with that.]

[General Arne] Say, are you busy right now? You seem like you know your way around a complicated firing mechanism. We are down a man today and could really use some help with setup.

[What do you need me to do?]

[General Arne] Well, the trebuchet's mechanisms have gone a bit crazy today and need a manual reset. Unfortunately, I can't reset it myself, as someone needs to stand up here and check all the moving parts as they are manually adjusted. So, if you could go down into the panel room and fix the situation, I would highly appreciate your services.

[I think I can manage that.]

Head down to the control room below the catapult.

General Arne

[General Arne] Ah, lovely! Everything is working smoothly now! This will be perfect for our tests!

[Why do you need to test a trebuchet?]

[General Arne] What a silly question, to make sure it works obviously! However, there is a second reason. You seem trustworthy enough, so I'll let you in on something. Recently, the government has developed a new weapon, similar to a trebuchet, but moveable on land, ice, sand, anything! It will be a fantastic asset in the war. We test this trebuchet for experimental data for this new weapon.

[Seems powerful.]

[General Arne] Quite! With this at our disposal, Alnera better watch their backs. Their era of slavery won't last much longer.


[General Arne] You've not heard of it? I guess you don't really seem like you're from around here, so let me explain. One of the reasons we conflict with Ishnir is the government's abuse towards their people.

[General Arne] The royals and bureaucrats of Alnera live in luxury, while their lower class, who have been shipped off to Molta, slave day after day in ceaseless mining operations. No rights, no pay. They are slaves to the system, and we strive for a world in which they are free.

You likely won't get any more info out of General Arne. Your list has been updated.

Ivon the Lazy

Ivon the Lazy

-1530, 101, 1003

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzzzzz... ZzzZZzzzz...

[Uh... excuse me?]

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzzzzz... ZzzZZzzzz...

[Wake up!]

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzz... need... zzz... booze .... zzz...

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzz... booze... zzz... aged... zzz... tower... zzz... sunken... zzz...

[Uh.. right... I'll get on that.]

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzzzzz... ZzzZZzzzz...

Head towards the Sunken Tower and seek out some aged alcohol.

Ivon the Lazy

Ivon opens his mouth as you pour the drink down his throat.

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzzzzz.... yum.... zzzzz....

[This is useless.]

[Ivon the Lazy] Zzzzzz... plans... Zzzzz... attack... Zzzzz... Rahkeri.... Zzzzz... defenseless... Zzzzz... 

You likely won't get any more info out of Ivon. Your list has been updated.



356, 46, 717

[Kugo] Hmm... Aren't these fungal specimens great?

[Why are you keeping mushrooms in your house?]

[Kugo] Why, I study them, of course. Unfortunately, I can't keep all my specimens here- not enough space. I have to use a storage unit I own just down the way to house them all.

[What do you research them for?]

[Kugo] Haha! I couldn’t possibly say! Interests in taking over the world, maybe? Who knows!

[Not the answer I was expecting.]

[Kugo] Hah, I merely jest! I’m a scientist, I study things because they need to be studied. I merely wish I could increase my specimen samples a bit more, ah, the dreams!

[Increase how?]

[Kugo] You see, I have a large array of knowledge of fungal species from Ishnir, and even some from the Viridian region. However, the ones that elude me come from the Chillwind. I hear stories of a large fungal forest that exists there, crystalline mushrooms of enormous size! Ah, how I wish I could get a sample of it. Alas, I'm much too busy with my current studies to make time to travel there.

[I could probably get a sample for you.]

[Kugo] Really?! That would be fantastic! Thank you so much! I hear of such wonders in the Crystal Forest Grove, I can't wait to see what you return with!

Head towards the Crystal Forest Grove for a fungal sample.


[Kugo] It's... it's beautiful! Look at the mycelium threads! Is this really a fungus? How fascinating, I can't... I can't...

Kugo begins to cry a little.

[What's the matter?]

[Kugo] I... I may have lied to you a little. I'm not just a researcher... Specifically, I am a researcher for the government. They... they took an interest in my knowledge of fungal species, and wanted me to determine a way to destroy the crystalline shroom forest in Chillwind...

[Why would they want that?]

[Kugo] I... I don't know. The war ravages all, I suppose. But... after seeing this specimen, I... I can't let that happen. A species such as this, where its very being is intertwined with crystalline essence, is incredibly rare. I refuse to let them destroy such a thing.

You likely won't get any more info out of Kugo. Your list has been updated.

Ambassador Matori

Ambassador Matori

339, 71, 711

[Ambassador Matori] You've got some guts to just walk into an Ambassador's house. My property is protected by law, you know.

[I'm sorry, I didn't realize.]

[What are you an ambassador to?]

[Ambassador Matori] I don't mean to be rude, but if I just let anyone walk in, my throat would have been slit years ago. Besides, I'm quite on edge right now, so startling me is not the best idea. I've got a lot on my plate.

[What has you on edge?]

[Ambassador Matori] Just... the war, I suppose. It makes my job as the Ambassador of Chillwind a... rough position, to say the least. All of my days are spent hearing constant yelling, and battle strategies, and equally horrid plans of action. I... guess I just long for days of peace.

[Is there anything I can do to help?]

[Ambassador Matori] Ha! Can you solve hundreds of years of political turmoil in a day? That'd be swell. That said, I would love a nice cup of tea. Not just any tea, Royal Red tea, some of the most delicious tea in all of Ishnir. An old hag in Rahkeri named Surya sells the leaves, and I would very much appreciate you bringing some here so I can brew some.

[I think I can handle that.]

[Ambassador Matori] Thank you so kindly!

Head to Rahkeri and find the tea seller Surya on the upper level of the teleportation hub at -122, 171, 449.

Ambassador Matori

[Ambassador Matori] Ah, fantastic! They smell wonderful! I'll get the pot going now. You don't know how much this helps me. My thoughts can finally clear up from...


[Ambassador Matori] Well, I was just thinking about Wispervale, one of the more contentious points of our conflicts with the Chillwind. It comes up quite a bit in war strategy meetings. You see, one of the reasons we conflict so heavily with the Chillwind due to their obsessive hatred against the use of magic. They hunt down magic users like dogs, and have even subjected some to public executions.

[Ambassador Matori] The people of Ishnir simply wish for a world where magic can freely be used by everyone, and Wispervale is an outpost for such ideals, stationed right in the heart of the Chillwind. They are subjugated for their use of magic, but one day, they will be free.

[Why does-]

[Ambassador Matori] Ooo! Seems my tea is ready! Again, thank you so much!

You likely won't get any more info out of Ambassador Matori. Your list has been updated.

List Complete

You have talked to everyone on your list of influential people. You should return to Vargos with the information you have gathered.


[Vargos] Ah, <Player>, back so soon! How did things go? Did you manage to collect any information?

[Yes, but it's not simple to explain.]

[Vargos] Oh? Do tell.

[It seems the two nations don't really agree on why they are fighting.]

[Vargos] Hmm... conflicting reasons? How odd. I won't pretend I understand the political turmoil here, but there must be a common underlying reason that the conflicts restarted recently. If I had to make a guess...

[Izzy] I hate to interrupt here, but I've just gotten word that we have some visitors on the island.


[Izzy] It seems our hunch was correct, the royals of the nations did have their eyes on you, and they've each sent an emissary to speak with the new captain of Mistport.

[What should we do?]

[Vargos] Well <Player>, I believe this is the chance we've been looking for. As bad as it sounds, we need to side with one of the nations, at least for now.

[Why would we do that?]

[Vargos] Think about it, our connections in the Isles are sparse, and we can only accomplish so much. If we allied ourselves with one of the nations, this would give us access to their vast information network. We'd be able to track Calder down much more efficiently.

[I guess you're right.]

[Vargos] I'll leave the decision of which nation we should ally with up to you, this is your island afterall. Choose wisely though, once you have made a decision, I doubt the other side will be very forgiving.

[Izzy] You'll find the emissaries near Xeno's old ship. They are stationed out on the docks there.

Make your decision carefully before speaking to the emissary of your choice, as it might affect future outcomes.

Head to the docks in front of Xeno's ship and decide which kingdom you will be siding with.

Allying with the Ishnir Kingdom

Emissary of Ishnir

[Emissary of Ishnir] Ah, Captain <Player>! The kingdom of Ishnir wishes you a fair welcome. We have only just heard of your recent take down of Xeno. The Pharoah extends the most sincerest of thanks for removing him from power.

[I appreciate your welcome.]

[Emissary of Ishnir] Indeed, you must be quite powerful in order to overthrow such an adversary, given the extensive size of his crew. You even won them over, your charm must be vast.

[Enough with the flattery, why did you come to Mistport?]

[Emissary of Ishnir] Ah, straight to the point, I see. Well, it's no secret that Xeno didn't quite make a good relation with any kingdom. He sought power and wealth and would knock anyone down who got in his way. We simply wish to extend our hand in partnership with your town of pirates. We don't wish to rule you or anything of the sort, only that we agree aide each other when necessary, and don't get in each other's way against our enemies.

[Fine, I'll side with the Ishnir.]

[Let me think about it.]

[Emissary of Ishnir] Wonderful! I also hear word that you traveled here from the Valley. It is interesting that you have made such large waves here in such a short period of time. 

[Emissary of Ishnir] Nonetheless, simply go as you would otherwise. The time will come when we will require your assistance, Captain. You will be our foreign soldier.


Awarded a Celsian Heraldic Blade, 16 CCS, and an alliance with the Ishnir kingdom.

Allying with the Chillwind Kingdom

Emissary of Chillwind

[Emissary of Chillwind] Hello, Captain <Player>! On behalf of the Chillwind kingdom, I welcome you. Only recently did we hear that the mighty Xeno was overthrown! The Queen extends her sincerest thanks for taking care of him.

[I appreciate your welcome.]

[Emissary of Chillwind] Of course. You must be someone who chooses wisely in their allies, to defeat Xeno and even take over his rule. No such feat would've come if not for your obvious proficienty in picking the right side.

[Enough with the flattery, why did you come to my Mistport?]

[Emissary of Chillwind] Very well. It should be clear enough to you that Xeno was not the type of person who would have had many allies. He was unable to resist the temptation of wealth and power. We only wish to make an ally here today, a partnership with the new Captain of Mistport. It would be mutually beneficial for our two kingdoms to work together. Perhaps we even share common enemies.

[Fine, I'll side with the Chillwind.]

[Let me think about it.]

[Emissary of Chillwind] Wonderful! I also hear word that you traveled here from the Valley. It is interesting that you have made such large waves here in such a short period of time.

[Emissary of Chillwind] Nonetheless, simply go as you would otherwise. The time will come when we will require your assistance, Captain. You will be our foreign soldier.


Awarded a Celsian Heraldic Blade, 16 CCS, and an alliance with the Chillwind kingdom.