The Gateway Tree (Book)

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Artifact Log ID215
Gateway Tree

Not so much an artifact as a very wonderful accident, the Gateway Tree swiftly became a fixture of the Celsian Congress. During a series of experiments designed to find ways to access the furthest reaches of the Congress more quickly, a stray spell made contact with a stray sapling.
Within days, what had been a study room was filled with a massive, magical tree, covered in small runic carvings. Built into the tree itself, naturally, were alcoves and hanging platforms, each providing access to the very reaches of the Congress researchers had sought to access. The trees roots now burrow into every corner of this place, and carry those who have the appropriate keys through to their destination. The Tree itself is highly resistant to removal. Its bark is quite powerful, with chippings even been made into a pair of boots, Artifact ID067. Perhaps further attempts to craft gear from the Gateway Tree might be a nice line of defense!