The Generals

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The four generals of C'Zanil, Siershen, Selxem, Arvaya, and Cyrar, appear to have been high ranking Tlaxans (in most cases) working directly under C'Zanil during the Blackroot War. They were important enough, clearly, that he wanted them buried in his own tomb, as guardians of his knowledge.

But who were these Generals? Why were they selected? What knowledge can we gleam from their resting places that can reveal more about these enigmatic figures? Luckily, I, Antigone Rellsource, along with my crack team, have uncovered some fascinating knowledge about these important figures. Read on for a complete set of translated writings and my personal commentary on them.


Written on the wall:
'Eyes (of a) hawk, aim (of) Ixume.' Ixume being a Tlaxan god in their scripture, this says that Cyrar was an eagle-eyed sharpshooter.

'Let the rain of arrows fall, called the attack, trusted by all.' This points to Cyrar being the leader of the Tlaxan archery forces, raining down deadly artillery onto the battlefield.

An additional find, by the intrepid Keller, points to Cyrar having been a simple Tlaxan villager who swiftly rose to fame for his sharpshooting talents. C'Zanil elevated him to General status as the war started, and the young Tlaxan felled hundreds himself.


'Plagueroot's Master.' This was inscribed on one of the poison-filled brewing stations. I am unsure what Plagueroot is, but I initially assumed it was how the poison was made. However, the next finding made us reconsider.
'Only survivor (of the) Plagueroot Temple. Lord of poison. Myrahg's chosen.' It seems then to me that the Plagueroot Temple may have been a space where Myrahg - which we assume is the Magenta Wool - was contained. Could the wool be sealed away in this 'Plagueroot Temple' somewhere, leaking dangerous poisons? This seems to imply only Selxem survived being near it.

We found nothing more on Selxem beyond those inscriptions.


'C'Zanil's (chosen/favored) warlord. His speed, unrivaled by all.' Arvaya was a leader of ground troops that were not associated with C'Shura, from what I can gather. If the statue Brayllur and the adventurer fought was meant to be a representation of Arvaya, the man must have been incredibly fast. The charge attack nearly killed me when I went in to research. I had to rely on Brayllur to transcribe things for me.

'Left alone on the (summit/peak) as a(n offering/sacrifice). Soulcrusher offered choice.' This seems to imply that C'Zanil saved Arvaya from a ritual sacrifice. I am unsure why and there is no more I can find on the topic.


This is the most interesting of the bunch. I do not think Siershen was a Tlaxan. Look.

'From where magic (is) sealed, he came, bearing gifts.' I think Siershen came from a group of wizards who lived somewhere nearby. I believe there's remnants of a magical tower near the Axtan Monastery, but I've not been allowed time to explore it. Could this be a sign of life that the Narsens never encountered?

'He spoke words of wisdom (to the) Soulcrusher. Trust was formed.' It seems whatever Siershen offered, C'Zanil was happy to take, and trusted the mage into his inner circle.

I must know more. I hope I get to work on this project soon!