The Godshell (Book)

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Artifact Log ID965
The Godshell

Many Centuries ago there lived a god who wished to become a man. He did not want the power he had gained, and he sought a way to forsake his power in exchange for something else. He wandered the harshest of landscapes, seeking a way to set aside divinity and return to a life of flaws and mistakes. It was all he wanted.
One day, in the depths of the Jaguar Teeth, he found what he was looking for. The man offered up his divinity, and in exchange, received a shell of concentrated power, that hugged his form. While inside his shell, his power was absent, but his will was endless.
The man who had been a god was happy with his deal, and continued his wanderings to experience the joys and triumphs of living that he had missed. When he died, it was with a smile upon his face. This is the ancient Erestun fable of the Godshell, told to remind those who lived in desperation for more to appreciate the simplicity of life. The shell noted in the story however, is not a fable at all. Not only is it real, but it holds a power that cannot be quantified, only experienced.