The Hoard

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The Hoard is a bonus area in the Celsian Isles.


The player must first obtain a Golden Key, either as a 1/20 drop from The Black Mist or by purchasing it for 8 stacks of Spectral Doubloons and 16 Gleaming Seashells. Take the key to the "broken" observer through the cave on the west side of Mistport, confirming the using of the key twice. Up to two players may enter the instance, and any more will not be transported.


The Hoard is a large cave littered with valuable minerals (in their not so valuable head form) and flowing waterfalls are scattered around the area. A path of platforms with chests and other interactable blocks lead downwards, the path to the next platform always having a thin wall of breakable yellow stained glass blocking it. Going backwards from the start has the one-way teleport back to Mistport, requiring the player to take a button from the chest and place it if they are sure they want to leave. At the end is a large obsidian platform with a pile of "loot" and a single iron block with a flower pot in the middle. Behind said platform is a tunnel that takes players back to the beginning of the area.


All the chests, enchanting tables, crafting tables, and furnaces are actually various mimics in disguise. Attempting to interact with one of these blocks will cause all of them on the same platform to reveal themselves. These mimics are weaker compared to their King's Valley counterparts, lacking the Mining Fatigue aura and the Teleport Behind abilities. Although being weaker, their loot is typically far more plentiful. Each one of these mimics can drop items such XP bottles, CS, circus tickets, ticket bundles, ticket wheels, pulsating dust, pulsating powder, gold nuggets, and/or casino chips of both regions, although some drops are more plentiful or exclusive from specific mimics.

Baby Mimic (Count: 15)

The most common one in here, the Baby Mimic spawns from chests. They wear the typical Mimic Head, have a green-brown outfit, and are slightly faster than an average zombie. They tend to drop XP bottles, CS, circus tickets, ticket bundles, and/or gold nuggets on death.

Enchanting Mimic (Count: 5)

Disguised as an Enchanting Table (which can't be interacted with due to disabling), Enchanting Mimics are baby zombies with around 10 Bottles of Enchanting stacked on them. In addition to the exp from the bottles splashed on it's death, it also drops a lot more XP bottles and CS than normal.

Circus Mimic (Count: 3)

Also spawning from chests, Circus Mimics are similar to Baby Mimics in stats, but wear the Chesty Head and wear a red outfit. Their drops are also similar to the Baby Mimic, but they seem to drop more circus tickets and have a higher chance of ticket bundles.

Crafting Mimic (Count: 3)

Spawning from crafting tables, Crafting Mimics wear a crafting table head, a brown outfit, and are slightly faster than the Baby Mimic. Their drops are pretty similar to the Baby Mimics, with potentially more.

Gambling Mimic (Count: 2)

Once again from chests, Gambling Mimics look like Baby Mimics, but with a blue outfit instead. Casino chips are added to their loot pool as well as the typical drops.

Furnace Mimic (Count: 2)

Emerging from furnaces, Furnace Mimics wear furnace heads and don iron armor. The drops are similar to that of the Baby Mimics, with potentially more.

Mimic Queen (Count: 1)

Breaking the flower pot on the iron block will spawn the Mimic Queen, the boss of this area. She dons pink armor and hits a lot harder than the other mimics. Along with many other abilities, she can summon mimic variants (with no drops) to aid her. She has a repeated area slash attack, the Homing Fireball ability, and the Teleport Behind ability. Upon death, she drops large amounts of loot, along with a Pulsating Emerald. The artifacts will also spawn on pedestals in the center of the platform for players to select.

The Red Room

Below the Mimic Queen's arena is a hole blocked in redstone blocks. In order to open it, climb up the waterfalls and hit all of the levers at the top of them. After flipping all of them, an explosion sound coming from the hole will sound, freeing the redstone (and bedrock). Inside are piles of redstone blocks and two chests. One of the chests holds a Ruby Key, used to grant access to The Gardens of Yesel. Inside the other is even more of the loot mentioned above.


Along with the obvious loot gathered from the mimics and the artifacts, the players will be rewarded the Varcosa's Bounty achievement and the ability to trade said artifacts for a pulsating emerald each at the NPC next to the observer.