The Legend of Eldrask

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The Legend of Eldrask is a book about the Frost Giants that can be obtained after defeating Eldrask, Last of the Frost Giants and completing Alric's Legacy. It is received from Alric, Lord of the Chilled Winds, in the rift below Eldrask's arena, when asking him about the Giants.


There are legends told of a song that never ends.

The deep notes, rumbling through the firmament tell a tale of the creation of these isles. In a time long before memory, before Chillwind was even a glimmer in the empire's eye, there were the Giants.

Incredible beings, massive beyond imagining, they moved the ground to their will, repairing the scars of some ancient cataclysm. With their powers, they reshaped this destroyed landmass to be their resting place. Master craftsmen, they shaped hills, pressed valleys, and raised mountains. It was then these beings rested. For centuries, their lands laid untouched, their slumbers undisturbed.

But soon, the song intones, came humanity.

Beings small in stature, but large in power they began to populate the lands the Giants had made. Led by a man called Alric, they created a life for themselves here. The song took notice. The Giants took notice.

Soon, some of the Sleepers began to wake, angered by these morsels crawling across their resting grounds.

The song picked up, a deep bass rumble, growing in intensity as the world grew tense.

A battle drew close. Alric approached those who still slept and made a deal with one called Hrimnir, who granted him a gift, known only as Alei. Meanwhile, deep within a rift, a scar left on the landscape from anger forgotten by time, the Wakers came together, cleaving through ice to gather and plot. Humanity caught word, and Alric himself now stepped forth ready to challenge these massive beings. With his Spear in one hand, and Alei in the other, Alric entered the rift.

The song grows. The rumbles swell.

Then they ended, leaving behind only a quiet hum. Alric emerged from the rift, battered, bloody, but victorious. Behind him, the lifeblood of the Wakers flowed freely, becoming the rivers that now cross the continents.

The song did not end here though. It continued, softer. The Sleepers in time have begun to end, their time coming to a close. Empires have risen. The land has changed. The Giants are gone. Legends say that today they have all died, but the song still continues... Somewhere below these Isles, somewhere below those mountains still dwarfing the tundras, a Sleeper still rests, undisturbed and singing still.

Eldrask slumbers on.