The Man Who Washed Up On Shore

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I have heard tell of a Kingdom who's name has never before crossed my lips. A lonesome man has washed up on the shores of Chillwind, screaming of a monster at the gates of his castle. The Palamock arrived, he told me. Immoriel fell.
I have never heard of an Immoriel before. In fact, I thought I knew this world quite well, but there's always small islands with tiny kingdoms popping up, so I thought nothing of it.

But the man was insistent. Immoriel was huge, he said. The grand castle spanned multiple wings. The Palamock, he said, was a powerful wizard who came seeking the knowledge sealed away within the Conscriptorium.

This made me freeze. The name Conscriptorium was not a common one. We had created the name for our storage of forbidden knowledge. Yet this man knew the name and his own castle in Immoriel had one as well? Could the Palamock be coming for us next?

The man has settled in to life at the Congress quite well, at least. He is healthier now, and is calling himself a Breezemage, but has yet to tell us his name. In time, I hope to learn more from him. His claims are concerning, and I wish to know much, much more.