The Plague

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Dr. Laurie
[Dr. Laurie] Oh no, please tell me you're not infected too?
  • [I'm fine. What's wrong with them?]
    • [Dr. Laurie] An out break of Marasmus Execratio, or the 'Blackroot Plague' as it's colloquially known. I won't go into the details, but it is both resoundingly unpleasant and fatal to two-thirds of the infected. Worst of all, none of my drugs work against it.
      • [Can anything be done?]
        • [Dr. Laurie] Some Tlaxani say their shamans could brew medicine that can cure it. It's a longshot, but there's four lives on the line. If you can find a shaman who can make that medicine, bring me back five doses; four for them, and one more so I can learn how to make it myself.
      • [Wow, that sounds nasty]
        • [Dr. Laurie] Extremely. Now, if you're done being flippant I have some lives to save.
  • [Yep, I'm dying *cough cough*]
    • [Dr. Laurie] Your pupils aren't even dilated and your eyes aren't oozing pus. Stop joking around, stop wasting my time.

Meet C'Taz in the jungle at 240, 78, 315

[C'Taz] The plague has come again. I can make the medicine you seek. First, we need twelve golden stones, darkened with fear. Twelve treasures of winged foes, from their fortress of leaves and sky. Bring them to me. Behind me is a totem of sky. You may use it to come and go here freely, if your intentions are true.

[C'Taz] To make the medicine you seek, I need twelve Dark Amber, plucked from a fortress of leaves and sky. This is the first step of three.

Dark Amber: Hawk Fortress 445, 124, 105

[C'Taz] Perfect. Dark Amber, to be ground into a powder as fine as the smoothest sand. Next, we need sixteen Spirit Flowers, plucked from an island deep in the jungle. Their ancient oils banish the foul spirits afflicting Nyr.

[C'Taz] Now, you must bring me sixteen Spirit Flowers, plucked from an island deep within the jungle. Their oils are essential for the medicine.

Spirit Flower: Hallowed Pond 450, 71, 245

[C'Taz] Wonderful. Pungent and rich, these flowers will banish the evil spirits who have blighted Nyr. Their oils form the base of the medicine. Finally, bring ten pieces of Haunted Earth, reclaimed from my people's ancient home to the North. Then they shall live.

Haunted Earth: Ancient Ruins 320, 73, -75

[C'Taz] The ingredients are gathered. I shall invoke the spirits of earth and health and blood, and then the medicine will be yours.

[C'Taz] The medicine is done. There are four souls who must drink this, but I have more ingredients. I sense great hardship in your future, and can make you two powerful elixirs to aid you. Or, I can make another dose of medicine. Choose.

When presented the option to take some potions or an extra dose of medicine, its optimal to choose the extra medicine otherwise you will need to re-gather the ingredients again in Roots of the Plague

This ending dialog is from choosing to take potions instead of the extra medicine

Dr. Laurie
[Dr. Laurie] You actually found that medicine?

[Yes, but only four doses]

[Dr. Laurie] Well I can't make my own, but that's still enough to save everyone. Let's see if this works...

[Dr. Laurie] checks on patients They still need a lot of rest and medicine, but their vitals are definitely improving. I'm genuinely amazed that some apocryphal, legendary medicine worked after all. Here, it's not much, but you deserve a reward for this.

COMPLETED THE PLAGUE Awarded 192 Enchanting Bottles and 3 Potions of Restoration!

This ending dialog is from choosing to take the extra medicine.

Dr. Laurie
[Dr. Laurie] You actually found that medicine?

[Yes! All five doses]

[Dr. Laurie] Well, I'll set this one aside for later, and let's see if this works...

[Dr. Laurie] checks on patients They still need a lot of rest and medicine, but their vitals are definitely improving. I'm genuinely amazed that some apocryphal, legendary medicine worked after all. Here, it's not much, but you deserve a reward for this.

THE PLAGUE COMPLETE! Awarded 192 Enchanting Bottles and 3 Potions of Restoration!