The Rooster Crows at Midnight

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Find the thieves' hideout outside of Nightroost.

Reserve Clerk

[Reserve Clerk] I can't believe it. The reserves... They're empty.

[They're empty? What happened?]

[Reserve Clerk] Go look for yourself. They took everything.

Locate the thieves outside of Nightroost.

Find and press three buttons in the cabin at [-1420, 103, 589].

  • One in a corner of the room
  • One on a support beam facing down, next to a wall redstone torch
  • One on the inside of the front wall, camouflaged with stone


[Akema] We're known as the Night Roosters, a collective dedicated to stopping the rampant corruption within Nightroost and throughout Chillwind. I'm sure you gathered as much from our little note, if you found us.

[Akema] You see, Nightroost is a town forgotten by the Crown of Frostgate. We don't get as much attention as the others and as a result, most of our problems are ignored or unreported.

[Akema] Our town was ravaged and instead of helping the citizens recover, the Crown continues to hoard money and collect heavy taxes, all saved up in the reserves.

[Akema] They continue to fill their plates for their own gluttony and leave nothing for the rest of us. I refuse to let the masses starve because a select few want to gorge themselves.

[Is there anything I can do to help?]

[I'm not sure I like your methods.]

  • [Akema] Then why come find us at all?
    • [To turn you in!]
      • [Akema] Oh, you wish. If you tried, we'd be gone before you could blink, [Player].
    • [I was curious.]
      • [Akema] Yet not curious enough to help those in need... Shameful.

[Akema] Perhaps you join our cause? Before you can become a member of the Night Roosters, you must first prove that you're competent and that we can trust you.

[Akema] There's a noble known as Greg the Greedy, who lives on an island off the coast of Chillwind, West of Frostgate.

[Akema] He likes to collect ancient treasures and he has the last piece of an important map. I need you to break into his house and retrieve it for us.

[Akema] Getting into his house will require some creativity, but I left you something to help with that hidden nearby. Good luck. (Make sure to have at least 1 empty slot in your hotbar)


[Akema] Good.

[What is the map for?]

  • [Akema] If this goes well, you'll find out in due time.

Find Akema's hidden cache.

Retrieve the map piece from Greg the Gluttonous.

This Recoil Crossbow section contains one checkpoint around the house.

Return the map piece to Akema.


[Akema] Well, you've proven that you know how to handle yourself. Welcome to the Night Roosters.

[Akema] Feel free to keep that crossbow. You'll need it.

Awarded the Red Rooster!