To End a Life

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Sometimes in the Conservatory we have to put an end to our favorite plants. Perhaps the research period has ended. Perhaps the plant has grown out of control. Very rarely, the plant is too dangerous to begin with and we realize, after a couple interns get eaten, that we need end this project immediately. I began development of the Wilting Agent years ago, but only recently has it reached a stage where we're able to properly put it to use.
Today we held a funeral for the most mature Adder's Tongue we have in the Conservatory. It's been a bit uppity as of late and managed to nip a leg off Henneret last week (don't worry, we fixed it!), so it was decided it was time to put it down and harvest the produce.

We sent in Tabby a few days ago and sealed the chamber until he could return. He has a nice history weeding out vermin, so we figured he could handle the task. He'll finish soon, I'm sure.