Torn Journal

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Day 1:
I managed to board myself in here after the explosion. The wave of magic nearly overwhelmed me, but I kept my sanity. I don't know what's happened to my colleagues on the other side of the wall. Day 5:
I've managed to survive off the creeping vines in this room. There was a remnant of a sample in here and its growing very steadily. It takes up a corner of the room now, and is attached to the walls. Thankfully it's edible.

Day 7:
I hear pounding and groaning from the other side of the boards each day. It's terrifying. The plant in the corner continues to grow though, so I remain fed. I'll remain in here until help comes for me.

Day 9:
The plant grows faster and faster as the days go by. It takes up nearly a third of the room now, and a strange blue moss has grown on the floor. It feels... sticky. I've started sleeping on the other side of the chamber.

Day 10:
I awoke to find that the plant had grown another several inches. It reaches across the room now. I swear I'm imagining it, but it almost seems to be growing... toward me.

Day 12:
It keeps growing. I'm running out of space. I found a tendril trying to choke me in the night. I have no weapons. I tried to hack at it with my nails and teeth, but it proved useless. The growth has spread too far.
I'm afraid to go out. I'm afraid to stay.

Day 13:
I haven't slept. All night I've been peeling away the board between me and the Forum. I had resolved to leave but...
The door is barred from the outside. My own corrupted colleagues have shut me in here with this malicious beast.
This is the end. I will fight with all I have before it takes me.