Undead Studies

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A question has long plagued researchers - where do the undead come from? It's not like there's a slew of necromancers waiting in the wings to raise massive swaths of undead after all. I've been spending months capturing undead and studying the magic animating their corpses and I believe the answer might be easier than we had expected.

Thanks to the Tree of Life model of magical creation, I've noticed that the animatation of these undead monstrocities seems to be entirely fueled by Malkus and Yesel magic - creation and beginnings, but inverted in some way. These dark versions of the Tree's core nodes are attaching to the soul of a dying mortal, and keeping the soul trapped within the vessel. The corpse then becomes a vehicle for the soul as it is trapped in an eternal end. Not quite able to move onward and rejoin the flow of magic, but not able to cling to the life they so desperately desire.

With this knowledge, I now understand the best magic to disassemble these creatures as well. A small infusion of life magic, made with a touch of Chasom-style energy, would cause them to crumble at the seams! I'm submitting this document, alongside an extensive research log to the Head Researcher, Eomen. I hope the peer review will confirm my results and we can revolutionize the way we defend against the undead!