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Travel to the Shadowcast Bastille and find evidence of Masked occupancy.

Coordinates: [-279 87 -652]

[Bhairavi] So, what have you been doing since we got set up, [Player]?

[A lot. I started a war, won a war, got the Blue Wool, and had it stolen by Calder.]

[Bhairavi] Excuse me? He's here for sure? He took a wool from you?

[I'm sorry I've been running solo recently. Just a lot happening at once and a lot of trust to win.]

[Bhairavi] That's okay, we just need to get on this now. Do you have any leads?

[The Shadowcast Bastille, not far from Galengarde.]

[Izzy] Sorry to interrupt, but why there?

[The Galengarde Primarium said Calder had met with them in disguise. They tasked him to clear it out and then never saw him again.]

[Bhairavi] That seems as good a place as ever to start then. Are we expecting Masked resistance?

[I sure am. And I'm ready.]

[Levyn] ...Do ye think Samwell'll be there?

[I don't know. He could be anywhere by now.]

[Levyn] I be hopin' that bastard be. He needs ta pay...!

[Let's get started.]

[Bhairavi] We'll meet you in the Bastille then. Good luck.

C: Find a way deeper into the Shadowcast Bastille.

After reaching Masquerader's Ruin lobby:

C: Talk with your allies.

Bhairavi (MR Lobby)

[Bhairavi] Yep, looks like Calder and his crew have been setting up here. We’re in the right place.

[Do you think they’re keeping the wool here though?]

[Izzy] Yeah this place is really close to Galengarde. That seems reckless.

[Samwell] Sorry for the disappointment, mates. It was the best place we could get. Spent ages clearing this place out and setting up safeguards; shoulda figured the Behemoth wouldn’t be enough for you lot on the warpath.


[Levyn] Why… ye traitorous scum! Get ye gone!!

[You’re still working with Calder even after I beat you and you fled like a dog?]

[Samwell] The benefits outweigh the risks, captain. The Masked healed me right up, good as gold. Even thanked me for taking out that blabbermouth, Ridnan. I’ve got a promotion! In charge of the experiments…

[On the wool?]

[Samwell] What else? It’s very rewarding work. I won’t have you interrupting it.

[I can’t let you and your master keep it. What Calder did to Teal can’t ever be replicated.]

[Samwell] That’s why we’re trying something new. None of us want the Wolf back in the Wolfswoods. Come now. Couldn’t you just help us?

[Levyn] NEVER! We'd rather die!!

[Samwell] I can arrange that, you blubbering idiot. Now shut up, the adults are speaking.

[I’m not interested. Give us the wool or we’ll come and get it.]

[Samwell] Fine then. Come and get it. You won’t get past the real Masked forces anyway. Not with the power of the Blue Wool at our back.

He turns, throwing a key over his shoulder as he strides back through the gate.

[Well then...]

[Levyn] Yarr… let’s go kill us a traitor…

C: Enter the Masquerader's Ruin.

After beating the strike:

C: Speak with your allies following Samwell's defeat.

Bhairavi (MR Lobby)

[Bhairavi] It’s over. We’ve got the wool back. I feel like we’re gonna be finding little shards of it all over the fortress for weeks, but I’ll organize a team to get it done. The wool will be complete again in no time.

[What were they even doing down there with it?]

[Bhairavi] The same thing Calder’s been doing to the Black wool. Sharding it. They were trying to use magic to split it into tiny pieces to distribute its power.

[To power up his Masked even more?]

[Bhairavi] No, I think he was going to share the wool into little bits and then destroy the bits. See if that didn’t let a full spirit out or something.

[Would it… would it work?]

[Bhairavi] Somehow, I doubt it. Teal and Crimson were spirits. I don’t think releasing the spirit a bit at a time would have stopped the spirit from reforming as more and more got out. But I can’t say for sure.

[We might never know… So how do we keep the wool safe?]

[Bhairavi] Hang onto it for now. Try not to get jumped again? Once we figure out where the Monument is in the Ring, we should be able to store it there... I hope.


Awarded further access to the Masqueraider's Ruin Strike and the Blackblood Coagulant!